Indonesian to English
demo 1. (delman bermotor) small motorized threewheeled vehicle used for public transportation. 2. see DEMONSTRASI.
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demobilisandemobilized member of armed forces.
demografi ekonomieconomic demography
demografi formalformal demography
demografi sosialsocial demography
demografi/ilmu kependudukandemography
demokrasi industriindustrial democracy
demokratiser/demokratisir/ democratize.
demonstarsi1 demonstration, protest. 2 demonstration (of cars, radios, etc.).
demonstranparticipant in demonstration, protester
demonstrasidemonstration, protest
demonstrasi kerajinancraft demonstration

Related Word(s)

after, demonstration, demonstrations, picketing, protest, protested, protesters, rally, rallying, strike, strikes


? Kita kirim demo ke seluruh dunia, kata mereka suaranya seperti Take 6 ?
? We sent a demo to the world, they said it sounds like Take 6 ?
Pria di sana membuat demo dari yang saya kerjakan kemarin pagi
That guy there was made for a demo I did yesterday early in the day
demo singkat dari benda ini
one more quick demo of this guy,
bernama Nick Deamer, dan ini adalah demo kecil yang dibuatnya untuk saya,
named Nick Deamer, and this is a little demo that he's done for me,
Demo usia 18 hingga 49,
the 18 to 49 demo
Jadi saya ingin melakukan sedikit demo untuk Anda.
And so I want to do a little demo for you.
Anda mungkin mengenali dari demo sebelumnya.
You might recognize him from the previous demos.
Saya akan menunjukan kepada Anda sebuah demo.
So I'm going to show you a demo of this.
Namun saya akan menekankan pada demo.
But I'm going to focus on the demo.
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