depa | fathom |
depa | |||
depag | (Departemen Agama) Department of Rreligious Affairs. |
depak | 1. akick. 2. sound of clap, clip-clop (esp. of horses'hoofs, etc.). |
depan | front, ahead, coming next |
depang | ber-depang stretch out both arms sideways. |
depap | sound of slap (i.e. palm of o.'s hand striking table, etc.). |
deparlu | (Departemen Luar Negeri) Department of Foreign Affairs. |
deparlu as | state department |
deparpolisasi | (Pol.) simplification of political party structures, decreasing of number of political parties. |
departemen | ministry. |
departemen akuntansi | accounting department |
departemen jasa | service department |
departemen kebudayaan dan pendidikan | department of culture and education |
departemen kesehatan | department of public health |
departemen keuangan | finance department |
departemen luar negeri | department of foreign affairs |
departemen navigasi | department of navigation |
departemen pabrikasi | factory department |
departemen pemeliharaan | department for maintenance of |
departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan | department of education and culture |
departemen penggajian | payroll department |
fathoms |
acara masa depan dilakukan dalam a future event performed in
adalah masa depan dari masakan is the future of cooking
adalah masa depan umat manusia is the future of mankind
adalah suami masa depan kamu is your future husband
ahli manajemen departemen luar negeri foreign affairs ministry management expert
akan berguna untuk masa depan for the future
akan datang negara masa depan yet to come future state
akan digelar pada pekan depan is held next week
akan digelar serentak pekan depan will be held next week
akan diselesaikan awal tahun depan be completed early next year
akan masa depan dalam menghabiskan of the future in spending
akan masa depan mereka kecuali for their future except
akan membawa dunia ini kedepan will bring this world forward
akan menghalau dari depanmu orang drive out before you the
akan mengoordinasi beberapa departemen kementerian will coordinate several departments ministries