desktop | desktop |
desktop | |||
ContohSaya ingin membawa suasana meja kerja ke tampilan desktop. And I'd like to bring that experience to the desktop.
Sebuah pendekatan baru dalam hal tampilan desktop. It's kind of like a new approach to desktop computing.
Mirip seperti desktop tradisional. Tersusun dalam kisi-kisi. kind of -- so you get that more traditional desktop. Things are kind of grid aligned.
Anda dapat bersenang-senang seperti membuat rak di desktop anda. And you can still do fun things like make shelves on your desktop.
lebih dari ikon dan desktop anda, ini berlaku juga saat melihat foto. I think it applies to more than just icons and your desktop -- but browsing photographs.
yang bergerak kesana-kemari di sebuah desktop yang datar moving around a flat desktop,