dewan | |||
dewan direktur | board of director |
dewan eropa | european council |
dewan juri | grand jury |
dewan keamanan | security council |
dewan keamanan internasional | international security council |
dewan keamanan pbb | security council of uno |
dewan komisaris | board of comisioner |
dewan komite | board of committee |
dewan mahasiswa | student council |
dewan moneter | board of monetery |
dewan pejabat pemberlaku uu | magistracy |
dewan pembuatundangundang | legislation council |
dewan pemenksa | board of examiners |
dewan penasehat kerajaan | the privy council |
dewan penasihat | board of advisor |
dewan pengawas | board of controler |
dewan penilik wajib militer | draft board |
dewan perdagangan | commercial board |
dewan perniagaan | board of trade |
dewan perwakilan rakyat | house of people's representatives |
agreed, aldermen, assembly, board, boards, bodies, city, committee, council, councilor, councils, dprd, house, members, parliament, tambunan, the |
Contohanggota dewan sekolah, serta politisi. and school board members and politicians.
para politisi, anggota dewan sekolah, dan orang tua, that politicians and school board members and parents have
yang diserahkan ke Dewan Shura -- that was presented to the Shura Council --
dewan penasihat yang dipilih it's the consultative council appointed
Kami mengirimkan petisi ke Dewan Shura We sent a petition to the Shura Council
Anggota Dewan Shura yang dipilih raja, The Shura Council that's appointed by the king,
ada 30 wanita yang terpilih menjadi anggota dewan tersebut, last year there were 30 women assigned to that Council,
20 persen dari dewan. (Tepuk tangan) 20 percent of the Council. (Applause)
dewan itu akhirnya menerimanya Februari yang lalu. they finally accepted it last February.
sehingga Dewan Dokter Bedah Amerika mewajibkannya that it became required by the American Board of Surgery
Sehingga Dewan Internasional dari Penyunting Jurnal datang And so then the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors came along,
Ibu berbicara tentang rapat dewan direksi, She was talking about board meetings,
Saya akan menamakan kelompok pria ini Dewan Ayah. I would call this group of men "the Council of Dads."
Jadi tenyata untuk memulai dewan ayah So it turned out that starting a council of dads
dan saya memutuskan menempatkan Jeff sebagai orang pertama di dewan ayah. and I decided to put Jeff as the first person in the Council of Dads.
adalah dewan ayah ini is this Council of Dads
Seseorang bertanya apakah dia menangis ketika saya memintanya menjadi dewan ayah. Someone asked me if he cried when I asked him to be in the council of dads.
yang muncul pada bagian akhir dari buku saya "Dewan Ayah," that appears at the end of my book, "The Council of Dads,"
Dan itulah rahasia dari dewan ayah, And that is, the secret of the Council of Dads,
Nathan dan bosnya meminta dewan kota mengubah peraturan. Nathan and his boss went to the city council to get a change in the ordinance.
Dan ketua dewan itu berkata And the head of the council said,
Karena, jika dewan direksi meyakinkan semua orang Because, if the board of directors convince everybody
adalah hampir seluruhnya bergantung pada keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat oleh dewan direksi, is almost entirely dependent on the decisions made by the board of directors,
menciptakan Dewan Kepulauan Phoenix yang diberi kepercayaan. creating the Phoenix Islands Trust Board.
Baru saja ada pertemuan Dewan PIPA 3 minggu yang lalu We just had our first PIPA Trust Board meeting three weeks ago.
Saya pergi ke pertemuan dewan masyarakat -- I went to my first community board meeting --
Dalam melakukan hal itu, kita menghancurkan kredibilitas kita dalam dewan keamanan In doing so, we've destroyed our credibility with the Security Council,
dan berbicara dengan semacam dewan penasihat kesehatan. and talking to sort of a board of medical advisers.
oleh Dewan Keselamatan Denmark by the Danish Safety Council.
Dewan Perancang Adibusana Amerika, the Council of Fashion Designers of America,
dan dia berbicara kepada dewan kota, and talked to the councilman,
Si anggota dewan kota bahkan memanggil kami dan menceritakan bagaimana mereka menyetujui My councilman even called in and said how they endorse
Ketika saya di Dewan Riset Ilmu Pengetahuan Industri -- When I was at Council of Scientific Industry Research --
akan dewan perwakilan rakyat. of representative government.
Aktor yang pertama adalah Dewan Keamanan. The first actor is the Security Council.
Biasanya Dewan Keamanan memiliki tanggung jawab The Security Council typically has the responsibility
Itu aktor pertama, Dewan Keamanan. That's one actor, the Security Council.
Jika Dewan Keamanan tidak berkomitmen menyediakan keamanan If the Security Council doesn't commit to security
Kami melakukan proyek untuk Dewan Ilmu Pengetahuan beberapa tahun lalu, We did a project for the Government Office of Science a couple of years ago,
dalam kelompok-kelompok dan dewan-dewan tertentu, in certain groups and councils,
bahwa berdasarkan presentasi Rem Koolhaas di dewan kota Porto dimana out of a Rem Koolhaas presentation to the city of Porto, where
ada kerumunan besar yang menjarah gedung dewan provinsi, this was a huge mob ransacking a provincial council building,
mengangkat dewan provinsi sementara? with the interim provincial council?
menerima dewan perwakilan, accepting a representative parliament,
apa yang disebut Dewan Keamanan PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) what the U.N. Security Council
ketika saya bergabung dengan dewan "Dana Pertahanan Lingkungan" when I joined the board of Environmental Defense Fund
di bagian Dewan Niaga. at the Chamber of Commerce.
dalam subdivisi Palang Merah pada Dewan Niaganya. in a subdivision of Red Cross at Chamber of Commerce.
dewan negara mengeluarkan peraturan baru the state council passed a new regulation
Dan saya duduk di sana - ada 15 anggota Dewan Keamanan - And I'm sitting there -- there are 15 members of the Security Council --