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bahkan kami akan segera menayangkan di A.S dan Turki,
in fact, we're already going to be in the U.S. and Turkey, we know.
masa kecil saya di A.I Dupont di Wilmington, Delaware.
at the A.I. duPont Institute in Wilmington, Delaware.
Kita melihatnya di setiap saat.
We see it at the all the time.
Saat itu dia sedang kuliah di di Stanford.
About that time he was at the at Stanford taking classes.
dan kami melihatnya setiap saat di dan IDEO --
and we see it all the time at the and at IDEO --
Saya mengambilnya di M.I.T. Usianya sedikti lebih muda.
I picked this up at MIT. It's a little younger.
Katanya itu yang mereka berikan di L'Arche
He's says that what they do with L'Arche
Tahun 2009, di L'Aquila, Italia, juga terjadi gempa bumi besar.
In 2009, in Italy, L'Aquila, also they had a big earthquake.
Empat orang ini bermain di L.A. Rams pada tahun 1960-an
These were four guys on the L.A. Rams in the 1960s
Wanita-wanita di ruangan ini dan yang menonton di L.A.
The women in this room and watching in L.A.
Dan ini dilihat oleh seorang direktur di L.A bernama James Frost
And this was seen by a director in L.A. named James Frost
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