Indonesian to English
di dasar down the bottom
di dasar
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bottom, floor


Seperti yang anda lihat di dasar daftar adalah perubahan iklim.
As you might see the bottom of the list was climate change.
dan menyeretnya di dasar laut
and drag it across the sea floor
Dan daerah di dasar laut
and the area of the ocean floor
wanita, karena kita berada di dasar, kita tahu akan tradisi --
Women, because we're on the ground, we know the tradition.
Di dasar laut,
At the bottom of the ocean,
di dasar Samudera Atlantik
on the Atlantic Ocean seabed
biomassa kehidupan di dasar laut.
and that's the biomass of life on the sea floor.
di puncak gunung dan di dasar laut.
at the tops of mountains and at the bottom of the ocean.
atau di dasar samudera.
or at the bottom of the oceans.
adalah alam liar yang masih asli di dasar laut.
would be pristine wilderness area on the sea floor.
Pada tahun 1979 saya sempat menapakkan jejak kaki saya di dasar laut
In 1979 I had a chance to put my footprints on the ocean floor
yang bisa dikatakan seperti sumber ketenangan di dasar lautan
that was kind of like an oasis on the bottom of the ocean
yang sering dipanggil brine pool (kolam air asin di dasar laut)
was this place called a Brine Pool,
dan menaruhnya di dasar batang itu,
and just squeeze it at the base of the stock,
dan di dasar pohon kecil yang ditandai,
and at the base of the marked small tree,
di dasar piramida.
at the bottom of the pyramid.
di dasar rantai makanan,
at the base of the food chain,
yang terpuruk di dasar piramida kemakmuran ?
the so-called bottom of the pyramid?
Anda akan melihat bahwa pegunungan di dasar laut meliputi 23 persen
you'd see that the mid-ocean ridge covers 23 percent
Karena itu tidak ada peristiwa fotosintesis di dasar laut.
And for that reason, you do not have photosynthesis in the deep sea.
"Ini nampak seperti luka karena panas, dan pegunungan di dasar laut ini
"It looks to me like a thermal blister, and the mid-ocean ridge
Jadi Kelinci Paskah memang menyimpannya di dasar laut,
So the Easter Bunny has put things in the ocean floor,
tentang jaring pukat yang mengais di dasar samudera.
of a trawl net scraping the ocean bottom.
di mana dasar es ada di dasar laut
where the ice is grounded on sea floor
di dasar dari piramida,
in the base of that food pyramid,
Saya berada diteluk, dan sedang berenang, dan melihat seekor gurita kecil di dasar teluk.
I was in the gulf, and I was swimming around and saw a little octopus on the bottom.
melindungi "bintik-bintik harapan" di dasar lautan kita.
some of these "hope spots" in the deep sea.
di dasar sungai.
at the bottom of a stream.
Melihat kerikil di dasar sungai,
Looking at the pebble on the bottom of the stream,
dan ini sangat menyulitkan untuk melihat kerikil itu di dasar sungai.
and that makes it very difficult to see the pebble on the bottom of the stream.
hewan lain yang berada di dasar laut.
other animals that are fixed on the bottom.
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