Indonesian to English
di jalan down the street
di jalan
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diin, at, on
jalanroad, path, street, way manner, course, be going on

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along, away, belong, cause, honour, jalan, jl, loan, path, road, roads, sake, souls, street, streets, the, valley, way


yang tersebar di pertemuan keluarga, di jalan
shared in family gatherings, in the streets
dan mendirikan bengkel di jalan Lafayette
and sets up shop on Lafayette Street
pemberontakan mulai terjadi di jalan-jalan Teheran.
the uprising begins in the streets of Tehran.
di jalan-jalan kota Teheran --
in the streets of Tehran --
? Membuat perjanjian dengan John Neal, selama di jalan terjual sepuluh ribu ?
? Made a deal with John Neal, on the road sold ten thousand ?
Mereka bersepatu roda. Mereka bermain-main di jalan.
They are skating. They are doing street plays.
Mulai dari rasa kesepian, sampai menutup lubang di jalan,
Right from loneliness to filling potholes in the street
apakah ada bom, ranjau, di jalan itu.
whether there was an IED, a landmine, in the street.
memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan ruang di jalan
has a right to 80 times more road space
dan mobil-mobil masih di jalan tanah.
and the cars still in the mud.
hancur di jalan,
that went whizzing across the road,
di jalan di seluruh tempat-tempat ini.
on the street in all these places.
Tapi orang-orang di jalan,
but the people in the street,
yang menempatkan kembali dunia di jalan yang benar,
and that put the world on the right pathway,
jadi, kami tidak hanya melakukan pencitraan di jalan
so, we're now not only imaging in the street
Betapa indahnya jika kita tersesat di jalan-jalan kecil
How beautiful it is to lose ourselves in these little streets
Ini juga akan sangat membantu kita jika kita bertemu peradaban maju di jalan,
It'll also help us a lot, if we meet an advanced civilization along the way,
Lalu kami memberikan kondom di jalan-jalan --
And then we gave condoms out everywhere on the streets --
Dan juga, di jalan raya,
And also, in traffic,
Aku harus berbicara dengan orang-orang di jalan,
I need to go talk to the man on the street,
Di dua persen, Anda mulai melihat ada di jalan. Dimana-mana.
At two percent, you start seeing them on the roads everywhere.
Dia melihat sesuatu di jalan.
He sees something in the path.
untuk tinggal di jalan tersebut.
to stay in that street.
Kami tinggal di jalan Robert E. Lee.
We lived on Robert E. Lee Boulevard.
Suatu hari, saya sedang bermain di jalan buntu pendek
And one day I was exploring this cul-de-sac
jadi saya memutuskan untuk berputar di jalan besar ini
so I decided to turn around in this big street
di jalan, untuk pengendalian lalu lintas.
in streets for traffic control.
ketika Anda berada di jalan
when you're out and about on the street
yang berkeliaran di jalan-jalan desa
who wander around the streets of the village
mereka pindah dan mereka berdiri di jalan dengan pintu terbuka
he'd move them and they'd be standing in the doorway with the door open
mendapat kembali kepercayaan diri kreatif mereka yang hilang di jalan.
regain the creative confidence they lost along their way.
Semua orang tinggal di jalan ini.
Everyone lives on this street here.
dan menemukan buruan lain di jalan.
who finds other quarries along the way.
Saya adalah pengemudi muda di jalan tol,
I was a young driver out on the highway,
di jalan yang hanya terlihat sebagian
partially-seen roadways,
dalam memilih dan mengambil apa yang harus kita perhatikan di jalan.
picking and choosing what we attend to on the road.
Mobil-mobil itu ada di jalan
They travel down roads.
Saya banyak menghabiskan waktu di jalan.
I spend a lot of time on the road.
karena dia sudah keluar di jalan-jalan Rangoon,
because she is already out in the streets in Rangoon,
bisa menempatkan kita di jalan untuk pemahaman baru
can put us on the road to a new understanding
Ketika saya mengendarai mobil di jalan saat matahari terbenam, yang saya pikirkan adalah,
When I am driving down a road at sunset all I can think is,
dapat diuji di jalan-jalan Nevada secara resmi.
to test it on the roads in Nevada.
menarik kunci mobil saat saya berkendara di jalan raya,
pulled the key out of the car ignition as I drove down the highway,
dan kami menempatkan kursi-kursi taman itu di jalan.
and we put those lawn chairs out on the street.
yang kami buat di jalan-jalan.
that we had on the streets.
di jalan-jalan New York adalah 36.000 orang.
on the streets of New York is 36,000 people.
yang ada di jalan-jalan.
that are on the streets.
ada lajur di jalan, ada rintangan --
these are the lanes of the road, there's the obstacles --
lalu mereka akan melemparnya ke penanak tulang di jalan.
and then they would drag them off to the bone boilers down the street.
dengan lugunya kita berpesta di jalan-jalan kota Kairo
we naively celebrated on the streets of Cairo,
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