di langit | of the sky |
di langit | |||
down, heaven, heavenly |
Contohdi langit dari dunia lain. in the skies of other worlds.
? (tidak jelas) benda asing, benda di langit ? ? [unclear] extraterrestrial, celestial scene ?
tergantung di langit-langit. hanging from the ceiling.
Seperti mengukir nama Anda di langit that's tracing your name in the sky.
Semacam jalan raksasa tercipta di langit There's basically a giant pathway in the sky
tidak berhenti di langit. not stopping at the sky.
Mari menggerakkan bulan sedikit lebih tinggi di langit, Let's move the moon a little higher in the sky,
Tatanan awan di langit tidak akan pernah sama That formation of clouds in the sky will never be the same
Puisi ini menggambarkan membuka sebuah pintu yang melayang di langit -- This poet describes it as opening a door that floats in the sky --
Brlayar di langit dengan kendaraan mereka dan terkadang Sailing the skies in their saucers and occasionally
dengan mengarahkannya pada sesuatu yang tadinya kosong di langit and by pointing the telescope at what was previously a blank region of sky,
Pertanyaannya: apakah kita melihat ini di langit? OK, so the question is: do we see this in the sky?
Apakah kita melihat lengkungan di langit saat melihat kumpulan galaksi? Do we see arcs in the sky when we look at, say, a cluster of galaxies?
Jadi bayangkan benda-benda ini berada, bisa di langit-langit. So, imagine these things could go ... they could go in your ceiling.
Tidak ada awan di langit. There were no clouds in the sky.
untuk menutupi bulan di langit malam. to cover the full moon in the sky.
dengan apa yang kami lihat di langit. with what we actually see in the sky.
mereka punya sprinkler di langit-langit and they have sprinklers in the ceiling
Kini lubang hitam terlihat gelap di langit yang gelap. Now black holes are dark against a dark sky.
yang masuk dalam garis-garis paralel di langit? that go in parallel stripes across the sky?
menjadi bagian dari beberapa sistem dokumentasi virtual, yang besar di langit, being part of some big, virtual documentation system in the sky,
sebagai bulatan sempurna di langit. was the Moon was a perfect heavenly sphere.
Dan lokasi benda angkasa di langit itu And then there is their location on the sky
Pola sarang laba-laba ini menunjukkan koordinat lokal di langit. And that spider web pattern corresponds to the local coordinates in the sky.
di langit malam, jika Anda ingin mengetahui waktu di malam hari. in the night sky, if you're telling time at night.
Dia akan tahu di mana bintang-bintang akan berada di langit. He would know where things would fit in the sky.
di langit. in the heavens.
dari saklar ke kotak sambungan di langit-langit from the light switch to a junction box in the ceiling
Bintang adalah kawah nuklir raksasa di langit. They're giant nuclear cauldrons in the sky.
adalah Anda dapat melihat bintang di langit is that it enables you to see the stars in the heavens
anda dapat mengatur kedudukan matahari di langit. then you can control the sun's position in the sky.
di langit, mereka tidak hanya melihat puing-puing benda terbakar in the sky -- they don't just see sort of pieces of matter burning
apa yang dilihatnya di langit? now what could they be looking at in the sky?
Matahari adalah penanda di langit yang sangat penting bagi mereka. The sun is a very important cue in the sky for them.
Apa yang terjadi di langit saat ini What is happening in the sky here
Mereka berpedoman pada tanda-tanda di langit Well, they're looking at celestial cues in the sky,
"Apa itu yang berkilauan di langit?" "What are those twinkling lights?"