Indonesian to English
di pasifik in the pacific
di pasifik
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diin, at, on
pasifikthe Pacific.

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Ini adalah lokasi di Pasifik tempat hiu-hiu berkumpul.
This is a location in the Pacific where white shark converge.
kawah di Pasifik Selatan dan di kutub utara
vents in the South Pacific and also in the Arctic
beberapa tempat burung bersarang yang paling penting di Pasifik, di dunia.
some of the most important bird-nesting sites in the Pacific, in the world.
gas metana sebagai indikator angin muson di Pasifik
methane as an indicator of the strength of a Pacific monsoon,
daerah di Pasifik Utara, sekitar dua kali ukuran Texas,
that area in the North Pacific about twice the size of Texas,
belajar tentang penampungan dan pilinan sampah di Pasifik.
learned about the Pacific garbage patch and the gyre.
Kami mulai melakukannya di Pasifik Barat juga.
We're starting to do it in the Western Pacific as well.
yang melindungi lingkungan di Pasifik bersumber dari
which protects island environments in the Pacific is from
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