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di sekolah at school
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Berpikirlah kembali pada saat kita ada di Sekolah Dasar.
Think back for a moment to elementary school.
Jadi Anda berada di sekolah dasar
So there you are in grade school,
Kultur siswa laki-laki tidak berfungsi di sekolah.
Their culture isn't working in schools,
tidak berfungsi dengan baik di sekolah saat ini.
isn't working well in schools now.
atau jika anda bersekolah di sekolah melebihi kapasitas.
if you happen to exist in an overcrowded school.
perempuan masih membutuhkan bantuan di sekolah,
that women still need help in school,
di sekolah-sekolah saat ini.
in classrooms today.
anak laki-laki di Sekolah Dasar
that our young men get in elementary classrooms
anak laki-laki menghabiskan waktunya di sekolah.
they're spending in a classroom,
sebab jelas tempat saya bukan disini, di sekolah ini.
because I obviously don't belong here.
pada program tersebut di Sekolah Dasar.
in the elementary grades.
penerimaan anak laki-laki di Sekolah Dasar.
of acceptance in boys in elementary schools.
mampu merancang video games yang sangat bagus bagi siswa di sekolah.
put together a wonderful video gaming school.
mereka berbicara tentang siswa mereka di sekolah,
that they talk about the kids in their school,
"Dua anak memukulku di sekolah.
"Two boys hit me today in school.
dan di sekolah.
and in schools.
Mereka menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak bisa mencintai vaginanya di sekolah,
They told her she couldn't love her vagina in high school,
karena dia adalah senior dan dia cukup baik di sekolah
because she was a senior and she was doing well in her school
Itu merupakan latihan berdemokrasi di sekolah,
It was an exercise in democratic schooling,
ketika, sebagai seorang murid di sekolah desain
when, as a student of the design college,
KBS: Pertama kali, pawai dan permainan jalanan di sekolah pedesaan --
KBS: First time, a rally and a street play in a rural school --
Hal yang menyenangkan adalah saya melihat siswa di sekolah saya
The exciting thing is that I see students at my school
saat saya melihat para siswa di sekolah saya
when I see the students in my school
Dulu saya mengalami masa yang berat di sekolah.
I had a really hard time in school.
Di Sekolah Hijau, anak-anak tersenyum --
At Green School, the children are smiling --
hal yang tidak umum di sekolah, khususnya bagi saya.
an unusual thing for school, especially for me.
Tak ada orang di sekolah yang mau tahu tentang hal ini,
and nobody at the school wanted to know about them,
Saya berkata, "Selamat datang di Sekolah Hijau."
I said, "Welcome to Green School."
Semua pagar di Sekolah Hijau adalah hijau.
All the fences at Green School are green.
murid kulit hitam pertama di sekolah desegregasi di selatan Amerika –
the first child to desegregate schools in the South --
Ketika saya berada di sekolah,
When I was at school,
Ketika saya berada di sekolah menengah,
When I was in high school,
Sebagai contoh, ketika saya belajar di sekolah pascasarjana
For example, when I studied at graduate school
menginjakkan kakinya di sekolah.
not to a lick, one day.
Tidak masalah, dia hanya senang berada di sekolah.
No matter, she was just delighted to be in school.
di Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah,
through elementary school, middle school,
sehingga saya sering tertidur di sekolah.
where I was sleeping through high school.
Dan saya ingat saya berkelahi lebih dari sekali sehari di sekolah.
And I remember I fought in school more than once a day.
Saya belajar keras di sekolah, tapi di kelas delapan,
I worked hard in school, but when I was in eighth grade,
Saya ingin Anda menemui salah satu gadis di sekolah tersebut.
I want you to meet one of the girls in that school.
Angeline datang mendaftar di sekolah tersebut,
Angeline came to apply for the school,
Sekarang dia adalah siswi terbaik, bukan cuma di sekolah kami,
Now she's the best student, not just in our school,
Bagaikan matahari terbit di sekolah saya,
As a new dawn is happening in my school,
Di sekolah ini, ada gagasan sederhana:
In this school, there was a simple idea:
di sekolah katolik kulit putih yang dijalankan oleh suster.
in the all-white Catholic school run by nuns.
saya mulai membuat karikatur guru-guru saya di sekolah.
I started caricaturing my teachers in school.
Saya membuatnya karena banyak orang di sekolah
I created it because a lot of people at school
dan saya memulai klub aplikasi di sekolah, dan seorang guru
and I've started an app club at school, and a teacher
di sekolah saya berbaik hati mensponsori klub aplikasi saya.
at my school is kindly sponsoring my app club.
Setiap siswa di sekolah saya bisa ikut serta dan
Any student at my school can come and
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