Indonesian to English
dianggap reputed
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dianggap disebabkan olehattributable
dianggap sebagaiconsidered to be
dianggap sebagai orang sucisainted
dianggap sepicold-shoulder

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adulteress, allegedly, are, ascribed, assumed, be, became, been, being, brand, classed, classified, common, consider, considered, constitute, construed, counted, counts, deem, deemed, enormously, few, held, implementation, is, its, marry, more, necessarily


jika tidak, maka anda akan dianggap mengalami keterbelakangan perkembangan.
or else we'll consider it a developmental delay.
Apakah saya patut dianggap pengkhianat atau tidak setelah ceramah tersebut.
whether they considered me a traitor or not after that speech.
Dulunya dianggap haram oleh Mufti Besar sebelumnya.
It used to be haram, forbidden, by the previous Grand Mufti.
karena kami dianggap, sebagai artis,
because we are considered, as artists,
sebuah peristiwa yang telah banyak dianggap
an event occurred that many have regarded
Nah, kami dengan Cassini telah mengambil, dapat dianggap untuk pertama kalinya
Well, we on Cassini have taken an equivalent first,
Bisa-bisa saya dianggap lain?
Will I be marginalized?
Agnes bisa dianggap sebagai salah satu
and her legacy should have been
dikorbankan dan dianggap kasat mata
and victimized and made invisible
yang dianggap mempunyai hak istimewa
who claimed to have divine rule
Bisa dianggap sebuah unit pengolahan kontinu.
It's one continuous processing unit, if you will.
bahwa kesadaran harus dianggap
that consciousness should be considered
dan di India pada saat itu, homoseksual masih dianggap ilegal.
and in India at that time, it was illegal to be gay,
karena khawatir dianggap berita bohong, pada dasarnya.
because they were afraid that people would think it was a hoax, basically.
dianggap mengalami kematian otak.
considered vegetables.
Semua faktor itu dianggap memiliki pengaruh yang sama.
They're all weighted equally.
apakah kita dianggap menarik, cerdas,
whether we're regarded as attractive, clever,
dan yang miskin dianggap tak berguna.
and the poor being degraded to this level of useless people.
Karena ini bisa dianggap iklan,
Because this can be taken for advertising,
ada beberapa bagian negara kami yang dianggap masih berkembang,
there were parts of the country that were considered developing,
Joe adalah apa yang dianggap oleh banyak orang
Joe was what a lot of people might think of
dianggap terlalu mengganggu dan mengerikan untuk kita lihat.
are deemed too graphic or disturbing for us to see them.
Dia juga dianggap?
He's also considered
dan itu dianggap menjadi stigma.
and that's considered stigmatizing.
yang dianggap dapat membuat orang bahagia.
that allegedly make people happy.
Sejak dahulu perlindungan iklim dianggap mahal,
The old story about climate protection is that it's costly,
anda bisa melihat di angka 20%, hal itu mulai dianggap serius.
you can see that at the 20 percent, it's now taken seriously.
yang prospeknya sudah dianggap sangat menyedihkan.
that was considered so discouraging in its prospects.
bagi kebanyakan telinga orang, ini akan dianggap salah.
to most people's ears, they would perceive that as a mistake.
ke jarak yang dianggap oleh ilmu kedokteran berbahaya untuk manusia --
into the distance that medical science also told us would be fatal to humans --
namun tikus juga dianggap hama.
they're also considered pests.
yang dianggap sebagai terowongan kereta api bawah tanah tertua di dunia
which is considered to be the oldest underground train tunnel in the world,
atau yang dianggap orang sebagai cacat tubuh
or what other people perceive as my disability.
antara apa yg dianggap kekurangan
between those perceived deficiencies
yg dianggap aib dan perlu disembunyikan.
as something we want to avoid or sweep under the rug,
dan ketika aku berumur 12, fase tomboi itu tak lagi dianggap lucu.
and when I turned 12, the boy phase wasn't deemed cute anymore.
10 atau lebih dianggap sangat aktif.
10 or greater are considered to be very active.
belum pernah dianggap sebagai ide yang bagus.
it's never been tapped as an idea.
akan secara sederhana dianggap sebagai solusi yang sangat remeh
would simply be so trivial a solution
dan cara inilah yang dianggap paling sesuai untuk menghadapi wanita itu.
and it's seen that this is the most appropriate way of dealing with her.
tidak pernah dianggap selesai.
is never deemed done really.
Jepang dianggap sebagai pengecualian.
Japan here was regarded as an exception.
sudah dianggap sebagai roti makanan kesehatan,
have had sort of this onus of being health food breads,
apa yang terlihat dianggap sebagai keseluruhan jagat raya.
what you saw was thought to be the entire universe.
Satu kali pun saya tidak pernah mempertanyakan hal-hal yang dianggap lazim.
I never once questioned the conventional wisdom.
Resistensi insulin bisa dianggap sebagai kapasitas yang dikurangi
You can think of insulin resistance as the reduced capacity
dari jumlah yang menurut sel dianggap aman, sel tadi akibatnya akan menjawab,
than the cell considers safe, the cell, in effect, says,
kalau kita bersedia menentang hal-hal yang dianggap lazim
if we're willing to challenge the conventional wisdom
dan mereka selalu dianggap sebagai organisme asosial penyendiri
and they've always been considered to be these asocial reclusive organisms.
Saya biasanya dianggap sebagai penjelajah kutub.
I'm usually introduced as a polar explorer.
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