dingin | cold |
dingin | |||
dingin rena es | icy |
dingin dan datar | cold and flat |
dingin dan halus seperti marmer | marmoreal |
dingin mendadak | a cold snap |
dingin menusuk | sharp wind |
dingin sekali | frigid |
dingin terus | chilled to the marrow |
dingin/kaku | chill |
dinginan uap | evaporative cooling |
dinginnya | coldness |
dingin[kan | cool |
bitter, chill, chilled, chilling, chilly, closed, cold, colder, coldly, coldness, cool, cooler, coolly, cools, crisp, cutting, distant, fainted, flat, freezing, frigid, frostily, frosty, grimly, icy, stark, violent, warm, wind, winter, winters, wintry |
ContohJika Anda terlalu banyak menuangkan air dingin, mangkuk akan pecah. If you put too much cold water in, it will shatter.
tapi meskipun sangat dingin, hujan dapat turun pada permukaan Titan. But despite that cold, you could have rain falling down on the surface of Titan.
Dingin, menyeramkan, berkabut, It's cold, it's eerie, it's misty,
di mana saya pergi menyelam di musim dingin and went diving in the winter
Ganggang ini dirancang agar tahan suhu dingin it was bred to be cold tolerant
karena tubuh saya tidak tahan terhadap tekanan dingin di kepala saya. because my body can't deal with the stress of the cold on my head.
yang mengambang di air dingin, floating in these icy waters,
Sangat nyaman di musim dingin namun sangat panas di musim panas. It was cozy in winter but extremely hot in summer.
Jauh dari pandangan materialistik yang dingin, And far from being a coldly materialistic view of nature,
tapi mereka bisa merasakan dingin, mereka merasa dingin, but they could feel cold, they felt a coldness,
ketika mereka sangat dingin mereka bertindak sebagai kabel superkonduktor. when they are very cold they are what's called superconducting wire.
lebih dingin dari ruang di antara bintang-bintang, colder than the space between the stars,
sehingga mereka tidak kelaparan di musim dingin. so they don't go hungry in the winter.
di pagi yang dingin di bagian utara New York, on a bitter cold morning in upstate New York,
Sekali waktu, saya bahkan bekerja selama dua bulan di musim dingin Once, I even spent two months in the winter
Ketika saya tidak bisa tidur karena dingin yang menggigit When I could not fall asleep from bitter cold
sangat dingin. Belahan bumi utara punya lapisan es yang sangat tebal. getting very cold. The Northern Hemisphere had massive growing ice sheets.
dan bagian tubuh lainnya dingin?" and the rest of her is so cold?"
di puncak musim dingin Siberia. in the peak of the Siberian winter.
Alasan mereka melakukannya pada musim dingin The reason why they have to work in winter
Jadi mereka menunggu sampai musim dingin -- So they wait until winter --
pada puncak musim dingin Siberia. in the peak of the Siberian winter.
menyelam ke dalam air -- air yang sangat dingin -- dive down into the water -- cold, cold water --
Karena sangat dingin Because it's so cold,
dan sekitar 200 orang di musim dingin and about 200 in winter
bertelanjang kaki ke dalam kotak itu di tengah udara dingin get barefoot into the boxes, in this cold,
oleh orang-orang di tengah cuaca yang sangat dingin, di bawah 0.derajat. by people in extreme cold, in sub-zero temperatures.
terasa tidak bernyawa dan dingin. felt soulless and cold.
dan suhu dingin. and a cool temperature.
karena dia berkata bahwa kakinya dingin. because he said that his feet were cold.
dan mereka befikir bahwa mereka sedang berperang di perang dingin, then they thought they were fighting the Cold War,
dan 24 jam kegelapan di musin dingin. and 24 hours of darkness in winter.
Di musim dingin, kami banyak tidur. In winter, there's a lot of sleeping going on;
menjadi alat pahat dingin. into a cold chisel.
seperti musim dingin nuklir Carl Sagan -- Carl Sagan's nuclear winter thing.
Bagian yang menghadap matahari lebih panas dan bagian lainnya lebih dingin. So the side facing the sun is warmer; the side away, cooler.
di musim dingin, kami sedang berjemur. of mine in winter, and we were sunbathing.
Matahari di Limpopo sangat terik di musim dingin. The Limpopo sun gets really hot in winter.
bersiap untuk menghadapi musim dingin yang keras. to prepare for the harsh realities of winter.
Sudah DNA angsa terbang ke selatan pada musim dingin, benar? It's like the DNA of a goose is to fly south in the winter, right?
Untuk terbang ke selatan waktu musim dingin dan pergi ke utara waktu hangat?" To fly south in the winter and north when it gets warm?"
Mereka memotong mereka, menggunakan lemaknya untuk memasak selama musim dingin. And they slaughtered them, used the fat throughout the winter for cooking.
Alasannya, Len adalah orang yang dingin. And the reason he was, was that Len is a cold fish.
sama besarnya dengan ini. Es itu datang kembali saat musim dingin, was equivalent to this much. It comes back in the winter,
akan lebih hangat di sini dan lebih dingin di sini. Ini adalah atmosfer yang lebih rendah. expect it to be warmer here and cooler here. Here is the lower atmosphere.
Ini adalah stratosfer: lebih dingin. Here's the stratosphere: cooler.
tentang seperti apa hidup saat Perang Dingin about what life was like during the Cold War
Anda memutar kran dan air panas atau dingin mengalir, You turn a faucet and there is warm water and cold water,
Tetap bernafas atau menjadi dingin, It's either going to breathe or it's going to cool off,
Warna dingin, biru dan hitam, The cold colors, the blue and the black,