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dipastikan firm
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ascertainable, ascertained, become, bos, bound, certain, certained, certainly, confirmed, determine, determined, effect, ensure, even, fixed, kbm, levees, order, predicted, ready, society, stock, sure, though, yet


tapi urusan hukum juga harus dipastikan beres.
But also your legal side needs to be in very good order.
bagi para sejarawan seni, untungnya baru saja dipastikan
and luckily for art historians, it just was confirmed
Jadi ada titik yang sebenarnya dipastikan ulang.
So there's points, and these points are actually being cross-referenced.
masih belum dapat dipastikan,
is still speculative,
Bangsa Cina sudah dipastikan menang dalam perlombaan menuju penemuan baru ini.
The Chinese are absolutely winning this race to the new Moon, by the way.
Ternyata Justin hampir dapat dipastikan
It turned out that Justin was almost
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