dua pertiga | two-third |
dua pertiga | |||
dua | two, kedua : second |
pertiga | - |
Contohdua pertiga keluarga di daerah pinggiran already two-thirds of households in suburbia
Dua pertiga bagian tempat ini sudah dibangun sekarang. It's about two-thirds built out right now.
Dua pertiga yang lain tidak menabung. Two thirds are not saving now.
Artinya kita harus meninggalkan dua pertiga sumber bahan bakar fosil And that means we have to leave about two-thirds of the known resources
yang mengatakan suara itu berkurang sekitar dua pertiga which says it drops off about two thirds
Tapi itu berarti bahwa dua pertiga But that means that two-thirds
Saya sudah membaca dua pertiga bagian, And I got about two-thirds of the way through,
Jika efektif, vaksin itu akan mampu menyelamatkan dua pertiga nyawa manusia And that should save over two thirds of the lives if it's effective.
Saya perkirakan sekitar dua pertiga dari bumi mengalami desertifikasi. About two thirds, I would guess, of the world is desertifying.
Dua pertiga dari murid yang melakukan remedial adalah laki-laki. Two-thirds of all students in special ed. remedial programs are guys.
Kematian anak menurun dua pertiga. Child mortality is down by two-thirds.
Dua pertiga wanita pada usia 40-an Two-thirds of women in their 40s