ek | 1. meng-ek calibrate. 2. oak. |
ek | |||
eka | one |
ekabahasa | monolingual |
ekabahasawan | monoligual person |
ekakutub | monopole |
ekakutub dirac | dirac monopole |
ekakutub elektrik | electric monopole |
ekakutub magnet | magnetic monopole |
ekamarga | one way |
ekamarta | unidimensional. |
ekamatra | unidimensional |
Ekaprasetia- | Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa title of 1978 speech by Suharto |
ekaprasetia-pancakarsa | title of 1978 speech by Suharto, in which he gave his interpretation of the Pancasila. |
ekaristi | Eucharist |
ekasila | condensation of the Pancasila into o. principle (1960s). |
ekasuku | monosyllabic |
ekawarna | monochromatic |
ekawarsa | o. year. |
ekeh-ekeh | panting, out of breath. |
ekivalen | see EKUIVALEN. |
ekivalensi | see EKUIVALENSI. |
acorn, oak, oaken, oaks |
abad ini membuat mereka takut this century make them fearful
abad pertengahan fleksibel baju besi middle ages flexible armor
abad pertengahan provinsi dialek perancis medieval provincial dialects of french
abadi berasal berdaun anggrek lady perennial leafy stemmed orchids lady
abadi rumput termasuk dekoratif dan perennial grasses including decorative and
abadi semi mekar herbal rhizomatous perennial spring blooming rhizomatous herbs
abadi tegak dengan batang kekar erect perennial with stout stems
abaikan komentar dalam ekspansi makro discard comments in macro expansions
abaikan untuk secara eksplisit dialign ignoring for explicitly aligned
abby menghilang tapi sekuriti bilang abby missing but security says
abia anatot dan alemet sekaliannya abijah anathoth and alemeth all
abimelekh anak seorang budaknya perempuan abimelech son of his maidservant
abimelekh memanggil abraham dan berkata abimelech called abraham and said
abimelekh memanggil ishak dan berkata abimelech called isaac and said
abimelekh memberi perintah kepada seluruh abimelech charged all his