ela | unit of linear measure, 91, 4 cm. or about o. yard. |
ela | |||
elaborasi | elaboration |
elaborasikan | elaborate |
elah | trick, pretext, excuse |
elahan | trick, pretext, excuse |
elang | hawk, eagle |
elang laut | albatross |
elastik | elastic |
elastis | elastic |
elastisitas | elasticity |
elastodinamika | elastodynamics |
elastoplastisitas | elastoplasticity |
elah |
ContohELA: Mari kita bahas sedikit dari mana asal buku-buku itu. ELA: Let me tell you a little bit about where books come from.
ELA: Jadi dua miliar baris itu, ELA: So those two billion lines,
ELA: Kalau Anda belum yakin bahwa ELA: If you were not yet convinced,
ELA: Anda bisa mendapatkan konsep yang sangat abstrak dengan ini. ELA: You can get at some pretty abstract concepts with this sort of thing.
ELA: Ada catatan yang lebih serius ELA: There are more sobering notes
ELA: Jadi kulturomika ELA: So culturomics
ELA: Orang-orang menggunakannya untuk bermain-main. ELA: People have been using this for all kinds of fun purposes.