epidemi | epidemic |
epidemi | |||
epidemiologi | epidemiology |
epidemic, epidemics, epidemiology, epizo |
ContohSebagai tambahan, karena kegemukan bukanlah epidemi yang unisentris, In addition, because obesity is not a unicentric epidemic,
tidak ada seorang Pasien Pertama dari epidemi kegemukan -- there's not a Patient Zero of the obesity epidemic --
hal itu adalah suatu epidemi yang multisenter. it's a multicentric epidemic.
termasuk epidemi kegemukan. that includes the obesity epidemic.
Dan itu semua terlihat dalam epidemi yang kita punya sekarang. And that is reflected in the epidemic that we have today.
epidemi flu membunuh orang-orang dunia. big flu epidemics were killing people around the globe.
dan hal itu adalah epidemi misterius and that was that there was a mysterious epidemic
suatu epidemi yang tersembunyi, an underlying epidemic,
epidemi obesitas dan diabetes ini, this epidemic of obesity and diabetes,
mengenai inti masalah epidemi ini. for what's at the heart of this epidemic.
kita akan mensimulasikan epidemi HIV di dunia. we will play the HIV epidemic in the world.
kita telah mencapai kesetimbangan epidemi HIV di dunia. we have reached a steady state of HIV epidemic in the world.
Dan kita mengalami epidemi chlamydia yang parah -- And we have a terrible chlamydia epidemic --
epidemi chlamydia yang berlangsung selama beberapa tahun. terrible chlamydia epidemic which sticks around for many years.
dalam 40 tahun ke depan, kita akan menghadapi suatu epidemi over the next 40 years we’re facing an epidemic
ada epidemi singkat there was a short epidemic
adalah memprediksi epidemi. would be how we go about predicting epidemics.
Teknologi terdepan dalam memprediksi epidemi -- And the current state of the art in predicting an epidemic --
tidak hanya untuk peringatan cepat adanya epidemi, not just rapid warning about an epidemic,
deteksi awal adanya epidemi. early detection of an epidemic.
tidak hanya untuk epidemi kuman, not just to predict epidemics of germs,
tapi juga segala macam epidemi. but also to predict epidemics of all sorts of kinds.
kita dapatkan fase pertumbuhan epidemi pada kurva. and you get the epidemic growth phase of the curve.
terhadap ancaman epidemi about an impending epidemic
untuk melihat apakah mereka terkena epidemi flu. to see whether or not they had the flu epidemic.
Epidemi grup teman bergerak ke kiri, di sini. The epidemic in the friends group has shifted to the left, over here.
ancaman epidemi di populasi manusia ini. of an impending epidemic in this human population.
kalau Anda adalah analis yang mencoba mempelajari epidemi if you were an analyst who was trying to study an epidemic
itu akan bukti adanya ancaman epidemi. would be evidence of an impending epidemic.
sebelum puncak epidemi. before the peak of the epidemic.
akan epidemi flu di populasi tertentu. about a flu epidemic in a particular population.
Turunan kurva epidemi mulai mendekat, di bulan November. The slope of the epidemic curve is approaching now, in November.
bisa menunjukkan bahwa epidemi seperti ini berakar can show that epidemics like this take root
memantau ancaman epidemi to monitor an impending epidemic