Indonesian to English
es krim parfait
es krim dgn kacang, coklat, buah dllsundae
es krim
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by Xamux Translate
krimsee KREM.

Related Word(s)

gelato, sundaes


sehingga mereka membawa anak-anaknya ke pabrik es krim Ben & Jerry
so they take them to Ben & Jerry's ice cream company
dan ini sangat menarik -- es krim Nike dan biskuit Nike.
and this is very interesting -- Nike ice cream and Nike biscuits;
Seperti es krim French vanila, rasa jilatan pertama 100 persen;
It's all like French vanilla ice cream, the first taste is a 100 percent;
seperti memakan sesendok es krim,
like eating one scoop of ice cream,
kira kira, es krim kue lobak berbentuk bola kosong
this hollow shell of carrot cake
di mana es krim pun hadir dengan campuran minuman keras.
where ice cream freezers are filled with slushy malt liquor.
jadi ini adalah bola es krim besar
so this is a great big ball of ice cream
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