f | f, the 6th letter of the alphabet. |
f | |||
f/a | f/a |
fa | (firma) firm. |
faal | deep, work, function, action, sign, omen, view horoscope |
faali | physiological |
fabel | fable |
fabrik | see PABRIK. |
fabrikan | maker, manufacturer |
fabrikasi | manufacture, product |
fabrikasi massa | whole sale manufacture |
factor anisotropi | anisotropy factor |
fadihat | disgrace, shame, ignominy |
fadil | prominent, eminent, famous |
fadilat | excellence, prominence |
fadilat,fadzilat | excellence, prominence. |
faedah | use, benefit, profit |
fagot | faggot |
faham | see PAHAM. |
fahrenheit | fahrenheit |
failasuf | see FILSUF. |
failit | see FAYIT. |
b, fastene, fatally, fevers, helped, talent, ye |
Contohmengirimkan dua skuadron F-15E Fighter Eagles sent two squadrons of F-15E Fighter Eagles
Tapi sepertinya saya menggunakan kata berbeda yang diawali huruf F. But I think I probably used a different word starting with the letter "F."
tapi karena saat itu huruf S ditulis berbeda, seperti huruf F. it's just that the S used to be written differently, kind of like an F.
Lalu jika Christian memainkan nada -- seperti F So if Christian played a note -- like play an F.
Namun jika Anda memainkan F#, If you played an F# though,
Wendy F: Dalam hal science, memang saling melengkapi Wendy Freedman: In terms of the science, they're very complementary.
jika Anda menggunakan kayu bersertifikasi F.S.C. if you use FSC-certified lumber.
saya akan berhenti mengatakan "F" di depan umum. I'd stop using the F-bomb in public.
Kumparan ini terhubung ke penguat R.F. That coil is connected to an R.F. amplifier
Jadi saya telah diberikan nama-nama. Huruf-huruf besar, A,B,C,D,E,F, So I've given names. The capital letters, A, B, C, D, E, F,
Jika saya menyanyikan nada musik, A, B, C, D, E, F, G -- If I sing you a musical scale: A, B, C, D, E, F, G --
T, sama dengan nada F dalam musik. T, see it's the same as F in music.
Jadi T adalah F. So T is F.
T, E, D sama dengan F, E, D. So T, E, D is the same as F, E, D.
Tongkat golf ini dimiliki oleh John F. Kennedy The golf clubs were owned by John F. Kennedy