Indonesian to English
fakultas faculty
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fakultas biologifaculty of biology
fakultas ekonomifaculty of economic
fakultas farmasifaculty of pharmacy
fakultas filsafatfaculty of philosophy
fakultas geologifaculty of geology
fakultas hukumfaculty of law
fakultas ilmu alam nuklirfaculty of nuclear physics
fakultas ilmu bumifaculty of geography
fakultas ilmu jiwafaculty of psychology
fakultas ilmu pastifaculty of science
fakultas ilmu politikfaculty of political
fakultas kedokteranfaculty of medicines
fakultas kedokteran gigifaculty of dentistry
fakultas kedokteran hewanfaculty of veterinary
fakultas kesehatan masyarakatfaculty of social health
fakultas kimiafaculty of chemistry
fakultas pedagogifaculty of pedagogy
fakultas perikananfaculty of fishery
fakultas pertanianfaculty of agriculture
fakultas sastrafaculty of letters

Related Word(s)

faculties, faculty, law, school, schools


fakultas hukum mempunyainya, dan saya bisa menggunakannya.
the law school got one, and I could use it.
Apakah itu berada di fakultas hukum Universitas Sydney,
whether it be at the University of Sydney Law School,
Saya kuliah di fakultas kedokteran
I was pre-med at the time,
saya adalah seorang siswa di St. John's Medical College (Fakultas Kedokteran Santo Yohanes) di Bangalore.
I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore.
zombie yang berjalan, berbicara, hadir di pertemuan fakultas di rumah.
a walking, talking, faculty meeting-attending zombie back home.
pada lulusan fakultas ilmu pasti, dan mereka tidak bisa menjawab.
of science graduates, and they couldn't answer them.
Itu akan sangat mengejutkan bagi saya." Dan mereka lulusan fakultas ilmu pasti.
That's very surprising to me." And those are science graduates.
Saat kami menanyakannya kepada lulusan fakultas teknik,
And when we gave graduate engineers that question,
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