federal | federal |
federal | |||
federalis | federalist |
federalisasi | federalization |
federalisme | federalism |
federalistis | federalistic |
federally, federals |
ContohBelajar di Federal Polytech di Zurich. He goes to the Federal Polytech in Zurich.
Lalu inilah kepercayaan dari survei sosial dari pemerintah federal So here is trust from a general social survey of the federal government
yang tidak memerlukan banyak -- seandainya diperlukan -- undang-undang federal, that do not require much, if any, federal legislation,
Anda tidak boleh mengambil foto gedung federal, you can't take photographs of federal buildings,
Biro Investigasi Federal Federal Bureau of Investigation
dan pemerintah federal. and the federal government.
Halo, Kabinet Federal Australia. Hello, Australian Federal Cabinet.
lahan yang dikelola oleh pemerintah federal. of land managed by the federal government.
pemerintah federal AS mengadakan sebuah program yang disebut the federal government held what they called
yang disponsori oleh pemerintah federal AS, sponsored by the federal government,
antara pasukan militer federal between the federal forces
dari pemerintah lokal dan federal dalam upaya mereka by federal and local authorities as they tried
Pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat Well the U.S. federal government
membuka ruang bagi suku Indian dalam pemerintah federal. makes all Indians wards of the federal government.
yang diatur oleh hukum federal that's regulated by federal law,
Saya berbohong kepada pemerintah federal dan kehilangan 1 tahun hidup saya. Look, I lied to the Feds. I lost a year of my life from it.