Indonesian to English
filipina Philippines
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filipino, filipinos, philippine, philippines, seizing


karena di Filipina,
because in the Philippines,
Jadi di Filipina sekarang, wali murid dan pelajar
So in the Philippines today, parents and students
di Filipina mengambil tindakan cepat.
in the Philippines took swift action.
sekarang menyebar dari Selatan ke Selatan, dari Filipina
is now spreading South to South, from the Philippines
yang bekerja bersama wanita imigran dari Filipina
who is working on Filipina migrant women
yang meninggalkan anak-anak mereka di Filipina,
who leave their children back in the Philippines,
Di Filipina pada tahun 2001, Presiden Estrada --
In Philippines in 2001, President Estrada --
Filipina tidak berhasil.
The Philippines didn't succeed.
Lihat ini -- bandingkan dengan Filipina masa kini.
And look here -- compare to the Philippines of today.
Filipina masa kini memiliki ekonomi yang sema besar
The Philippines of today has almost the same economy
sebagaimana yang dimiliki Filipina.
as we have in the Philippines.
setara dengan di Filipina.
is the same as the Philippines.
dan di dalam kamar kru, mereka semua orang Filipina.
and in the crew room, it was entirely Filipinos.
seperti para pelaut Filipina,
like the Filipino seafarers,
sedangkan punya kita mengotori Filipina.
while ours litter the Philippines.
adalah Kanada, Kazakhstan, Filipina,
were Canada, Kazakhstan, Philippines,
waktu itu kami, tiga orang penulis, satu dari Filipina,
We were three writers, one from the Philippines,
Filipina akan kehabisan hutan yang bisa ditebang
the Philippines will lose all its accessible loggable forest
seniman dan pendagang yang bangkrut, dan pengkhotbah Filipina, peniup daun,
broke-ass artists and dealers, and Filipino preachers, leaf blowers,
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