flu | influenza, a cold |
flu | |||
fluida elastik | elastic fluid |
fluida heterogen | heterogeneous fluid |
fluida taktermampatkan | incompressible fluid |
fluks alihletak sekawan | adjoins flux |
fluks bahang | heat flux |
fluks bahang pembakaran | burnout heat flux |
fluks berkas zarah | flux of particle beam |
fluks bocoran | leakage flux |
fluks cahaya | luminous flux |
fluks elektrik | electric flux |
fluks elektrik invarian | invariant electric flux |
fluks foton | photon flux |
fluks gabungan | total flux |
fluks gravitasi | gravitational flux |
fluks kalor dnb | dnb heat flux |
fluks kalor kritis | critical heat flux |
fluks maknetis | magnetic flux |
fluks neutron | neutron flux |
fluks radiasi | radiant flux |
fluks sating | mutual flux |
case, cold, disease, flue, influenza, patients, prepared, spread, virus |
ContohSetiap tahun ribuan penduduk Amerika meninggal karena flu musiman. Every year, thousands of Americans die of seasonal flu.
dan berpura-pura hanya terkena flu and pretends it's the flu
Kita ingin berpura-pura bahwa Meksiko terkena flu. We want to pretend that Mexico has the flu.
karena percaya bahwa obat ini dapat mengurangi laju komplikasi dari flu. in the belief that it will reduce the rate of complications of influenza.
Di tahun 1918, terjadi wabah flu di Amerika Serikat yang membunuh 20 juta orang. In 1918, we had a flu epidemic in the United States that killed 20 million people.
Anda telah melihatnya tahun ini dengan flu, You've seen this year with flu;
Kita telah melihatnya dalam krisis keuangan. Kita melihatnya dalam flu pandemik. We've seen it in the financial crisis. We've seen it in the pandemic flu.
epidemi flu membunuh orang-orang dunia. big flu epidemics were killing people around the globe.
kasus AIDS, flu, dan sebagainya. more AIDS cases, flu, etc.
Dan sekarang masuk pula flu Spanyol (pandemik 1918). And now comes the Spanish flu also.
Jadi, disemangati oleh hal ini, kami mencoba terhadap virus flu. So, encouraged by this, naturally we went to flu viruses.
sangat aktif terhadap virus flu. highly active against flu viruses.
terhadap campak, Anda lihat 10an dan 20an -- sekarang terhadap virus flu, against pox, you saw 10s and 20s -- now against flu viruses,
Kami mencobanya untuk melawan virus flu A -- H1N1, H3N2 -- We tried it against flu A viruses -- H1N1, H3N2 --
juga virus-virus flu B. as well as flu B viruses.
Program ini membantu mengendalikan pandemi flu, It's been working to help control pandemic flu,
bahwa saya pasti akan terjangkit flu burung, that I'm definitely going to get the bird flu,
namun tidak ada flu burung di sana. but there's no chance you'll get the avian flu.
dan itu adalah pandemi flu parah. and that is a severe flu pandemic.
Anda mungkin berpikir tentang flu Now, you might think of flu
maksimal hanya flu yang sangat berat. as just a really bad cold,
meninggal karena flu musiman. die of seasonal flu.
pneumonia, diare, flu pneumonia, diarrhea, flu,
tetapi kita masih terancam oleh hal seperti HIV dan flu. but we're still threatened by things like HIV and flu.
tidak begitu berhasil untuk yang licik seperti flu, somewhat well for crafty bugs like flu,
terlindungi dari flu dan HIV? against flu and HIV?
Jadi mari kita lihat virus flu. So let's take a look at the flu virus.
Dalam gambaran virus flu ini, In this rendering of the flu virus,
Anda dapat terkena flu yang sedikit berbeda. you can catch a slightly different strain of flu.
flu yang paling umum, influenza A, the most common influenza -- influenza A --
sebenarnya adalah campuran dari flu manusia, burung, dan babi was actually a human, avian, swine mixture
Flu ini sangat mudah menyebar, It was easily transmitted,
Bervariasi seperti flu, As variable as flu is,
HIV membuat flu HIV makes flu
variasi genetis flu the genetic variation of flu
untuk penyakit flu yang parah. severe, overwhelming cases of flu.
untuk membuat vaksin flu preventif. to make a preventive flu vaccine.
pada permukaan virus flu. on the surface of the flu virus.
Anda dapat menghancurkan semua versi flu. you could cripple all versions of the flu.
adalah vaksin flu universal, is a universal flu vaccine,
Kita dapat memikirkan flu We really could think of flu, then,
hanya sebagai kasus flu yang buruk saja. as just a bad cold.
mengumumkan pandemi flu declared the first global
sebelum 15 Oktober untuk masa puncak flu. by October 15th for the flu peak.
bagaimana cara membuat vaksin flu, cara memproduksi mereka, how to make flu vaccines, how to produce them,
dan kebetulan, untuk flu, and so it turned out that, for flu,
Jadi sekarang, kita mendapatkan vaksin flu kita dari... So today, we get our flu vaccines from ...
Jenis flu babi tahun ini This year's swine flu strain
Ada dapat melihat jenis flu burung You could see an avian strain
flu vaksin untuk 3 jenis ini. of flu vaccine for the three strains,