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fotografer photographer
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  1. juru foto
    (fotografer, mat kodak, pemotret, tukang potret)
  2. juru potret
  3. mat kodak
  4. pemotret
  5. pengambil gambar
  6. tukang foto
  7. tukang potret

Related Word(s)

photographer, photographers


setelah menjadi fotografer, karena mereka akan memecat saya.
after I was a photographer, because they were going to fire me.
yang menjadi impian setiap fotografer.
which is every photographer's dream.
untuk seorang fotografer mode.
for a fashion photographer.
Saya sedang dengan teman saya Susan Meiselas, sang fotografer,
I was with my friend Susan Meiselas, the photographer,
Dalam pandangan saya, bukan fotografer yang membuat foto itu,
In my view, it's not the photographer who makes the photo,
Dan terima kasih kepada semua fotografer.
And thank you to all the photographers.
hingga ke desainer fashion Alexander McQueen, dan fotografer Nick Knight,
went to fashion designer Alexander McQueen, and photographer Nick Knight,
yang paling dinamis dan fotografer muda,
most dynamic and young photographers,
Saya percaya pada fotografer dan jutaan penduduk Amerika lainnya.
I believed the photographers and so did millions of other Americans.
Yang saya coba lakukan sebagai seorang fotografer,
What I am trying to do as a photographer,
"Saya ingin secara pribadi berterimakasih kepada fotografer
"I'd like to personally thank the photographer
Monica telah mengambil ribuan foto dengan sekelompok fotografer
Monica has taken thousands of portraits with a group of photographers
saat seorang fotografer alam liar mengambil foto
when a wildlife photographer took this photograph here
Ayah seorang fotografer dan pendidik jalanan,
Anyway, he was a photographer and a street educator,
Jadi ayah adalah fotografer di siang hari
So he was a photographer by day,
pacar saya, seorang fotografer.
my girlfriend, a photographer.
Sekarang, fotografer yang mengambil gambar unutuk proyek ini
Now, the photographer who took the pictures for this project
Sebagai seorang fotografer untuk National Geographic, saya telah mengabadikannya sekian banyak kali.
As a photographer for National Geographic, I've portrayed it for many.
Jantung berdegup kencang dan para fotografer terpukau
They rumble the belly and leave even photographers in awe
"Mermaid Parade". Ada sekitar 3100 foto yang diambil oleh 118 fotografer,
"Mermaid Parade." There were 3,100 photos taken by 118 photographers,
Kita telah berpindah dari orang yang memiliki foto, menjadi fotografer.
We've gone from people with photos to photographers.
Benar? Kita telah menciptakan kelompok profesional dari fotografer
Right? We've created a professional class of photographers
Ada labih banyak gambar. Lebih banyak fotografer.
There are more pictures. There are more photographers.
kira-kira 10 foto per fotografer, itu bohong.
approximately ten photos per photographer, is a lie.
hasil jepretan 529 fotografer yang menghasilkan 5445 foto.
as taken by the 529 photographers who contributed the 5,445 photos.
yang diurut berdasarkan jumlah foto per fotografer.
And it's ranked in order of number of photos taken per photographer.
ada fotografer yang menghasilkan sekitar 350 foto
our most prolific photographer has taken around 350 photos,
Jadi kita bisa berharap fotografer di posisi ke-10
So, we'd expect the tenth most prolific photographer
dan fotografer di posisi ke-100
and the hundredth most prolific photographer
dari jumlah foto fotografer di posisi pertama.
as the most prolific photographer did.
Jika anda ambil 10 persen teratas dari fotografer yang ada dalam sistem,
if you take the top 10 percent of photographers contributing to this system,
Dia seorang fotografer.
photographs. He's a photographer.
Jadi saya makan malam bersama fotografer ini
So I happen to be at dinner with this photographer,
dan dia berbicara dengan fotografer lainnya
and he was talking with another photographer
Foto yang mengagumkan dari fotografer Ceko bernama Jack Hedley.
This is an amazing picture from a Czech photographer named Jack Hedley.
Fotografer Nick Nichols pernah mendokumentasikan
Photographer Nick Nichols went to document
Jonas Bendiksen, seorang fotografer yang energik,
Jonas Bendiksen, a very energetic photographer,
Kami menggabungkan fotografer bawah air Brian Skerry
We teamed up underwater photographer Brian Skerry
Tapi ada juga saat ketika para fotografer
But there are also times when photographers
Fotografer Paul Nicklin bepergian ke Antartika
Photographer Paul Nicklin traveled to Antarctica
fotografer, dan negara --
photographers and states --
Seperti yang saya katakan, sekelompok fotografer pergi dengan kapal
Well, as I said, we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships
sebutannya di kalangan fotografer.
as you would call it as a photographer.
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