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fotografi photography
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photographers, photographic, photographically, photographs, photography


filmnya berupa gambar, fotografi,
its images, photography,
Dan itulah yang saya lihat dalam karya-karya fotografi saya.
And that's what I look at with my photographic work.
seperti fotografi jeda-waktu.
like the time lapse.
namun kami juga sadar bahwa sejak permulaan fotografi,
but we're also aware that, since the beginning of photography,
semua pernak pernik fotografi sinar-X.
length, all that sort of stuff from x-ray photographs.
Dan alasan mengapa kami melakukan ini pada bagian pusat fotografi ini,
And the reason for doing so, at the center of this photograph,
Ini adalah hasil fotografi beberapa tahun kemudian,
This is a photograph several years later,
Dapatkah dia melihat fotografi sinar-X nya?
Could he see their x-ray photograph?
Tidak ada hasilnya. Tidak ada fotografi sinar-X yang bagus.
It didn't yield. It didn't give good x-ray photographs.
fotografi, desain industri.
photography, industrial design.
dan tersusun dengan fotografi
and photo-textured with the photography
fotografi digital beresolusi tinggi,
high-definition digital photography,
Dan saya mengerti bahwa dokumentasi fotografi
And I understood that documentary photography
dan membantu saya untuk membuat berita fotografi di era digital ini
and then to help me come up with innovative and exciting ways
Fotografi telah menjadi gairah saya
Photography has been my passion
berupa fotografi dan film.
of photography and film.
di bidang seni rupa dan fotografi
who are sculptors or photographers
Bagi saya, fotografi bukan sekedar mengekspos film tersebut,
For me, photography is not just about exposing film,
Saya di sini untuk berbagi tentang fotografi yang saya lakukan
I'm here to share my photography.
Atau apakah ini fotografi?
Or is it photography?
Ketertarikan saya dalam fotografi bermulai
Yet, my interest in photography started
tetapi fotografi agak berbeda
but it was a bit different,
Bagi saya fotografi adalah tentang
So to me it felt like photography was more about
Saya suka fotografi, saya suka roket,
I love photography, I love rockets,
tulisan mereka, fotografi mereka, apa saja,
their writing, their photography, whatever,
Fotografi melampaui budaya, termasuk saya sendiri.
Photography transcended culture, including my own.
Fotografi punya kekuatan untuk bertahan
Photography carries a power that holds up
dengan memanfaatkan semangat komunitas fotografi.
tapping into the enthusiast photography community.
Kualitas karya-karya fotografi amatir ini
The quality of these amateur photographs
karya-karya fotografi hebat.
great photographs in them.
karya-karya fotografi.
great photographs in you.
suatu perubahan besar yang muncul berkat fotografi digital.
something that digital photography has made a big difference for.
Fotografi juga mendorong kita untuk menghadapi
Photography can also compel us to confront
tentang bagaimana menggunakan fotografi
of how photography can be used
Saya yakin fotografi bisa menciptakan hubungan antar manusia yang sebenarnya,
I believe that photography can make a real connection to people,
unsur inti, melalui fotografi,
a key component that somehow, through this medium of photography,
saya berpikiran bahwa fotografi sangat sesuai
that I thought photography was perfectly suited
Sekali lagi, bagi saya, fotografi adalah
And to me, again, photography was
Bagi saya, dengan menggunakan fotografi --
So, to me, using photography --
atau fotografi, atau pemantau pemilu,
or photographing, or monitoring elections,
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