Indonesian to English
gembira sekali tread the air
gembira sekali
please wait
by Xamux Translate

Related Word(s)

excitement, merry


Semenjak itu, saya dengan gembira sekali dapat bekerja sama dengan orang-orang di Google,
Since then, I've had the great pleasure of working with the Googlers,
Inilah raksasa-raksasa jinak yang dengan sangat gembira sekali pernah saya temui secara langsung
These are the gentle giants that I've had the pleasure of meeting face to face
meskipun demikian saya gembira sekali.
but I was ecstatic.
gembira sekali kau cukup miskin
merry you are poor enough
meskipun demikian saya gembira sekali
but i was ecstatic
suaranya bergetar karena gembira sekali
his voice tremulous with excitement
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