Indonesian to English
geriatri geriatrics
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geriatric, geriatrics


Saya bukan spesialis geriatri.
I'm not a geriatrician.
Inilah yang saya sebut pendekatan gerontologi dan pendekatan geriatri.
They're what I'm calling here the "gerontology approach" and the "geriatrics approach."
Ahli geriatri akan campur tangan belakangan
The geriatrician will intervene late in the day,
dan ahli geriatri akan mencoba menahan jatuhnya butiran pasir
and the geriatrician will try and hold back the sands of time,
Kita dapat mengatakan, perbedaan antara gerontologi dan geriatri
We can say that, fundamentally, the difference between gerontology and geriatrics
Dan ahli geriatri mencoba menahan penurunan jam pasir
And geriatricians try to hold back the sands of time
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