Indonesian to English
gerombolan group, bunch, cluster, gang, band
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by Xamux Translate


  1. geng
    (gerombolan, kelompok, klub, kumpulan)
  2. gerombongan
  3. kawanan
  4. kelompok
  5. komplotan
  6. pasukan
  7. rombongan

Related Word(s)

band, flock, gangs, group, grouping, mob, rabble, raiding, shoals, throng, troop, troops


Seperti, contohnya, gerombolan lebah
Like, for example, a hive of bees
bahwa kita hanyalah seekor bebek dalam gerombolan,
that we're just another duck in a row,
dicapai dengan aktivitas gerombolan neuron yang sibuk tersebut.
is accomplished by the busy activity of those hoards of neurons.
Dan di sini, dia melihat pola gerombolan
And here, here he sees a grouping pattern
dari konser yang tidak selaras dari gerombolan burung-burung
of dissonant concerts of a flock of birds
Gerombolan simpanse satu memiliki budaya yang berbeda dengan gerombolan lain.
Chimpanzee troops have different cultures in different troops.
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