getaran | |||
getaran arus | pulsatory current |
getaran batang teredam | damped vibration of bar |
getaran bebas | free oscillation |
getaran dawai teredam | damped vibration of string |
getaran ditempat | stationary vibration |
getaran elektrik | electric oscillation |
getaran eter | ether-vibration |
getaran gabungan | combination of vibrations |
getaran harmonik | harmonic fibration |
getaran harmonis | harmonic oscillation |
getaran kekisi | lattice vibration |
getaran longitudinal | longitudinal oscillation |
getaran majemuk | composed oscillation |
getaran mekanis | mechanical vibration |
getaran melintang | tranverse vibration |
getaran memanjang | longitudinal vibration |
getaran molekul | molecular vibration |
getaran paksa | forced vibration |
getaran parasit | parasitic oscillation |
getaran radial | radial oscillation |
magnitudes, quaver, residents, reverberation, shaking, thrill, tremolo, tremor, tremors, unsteadiness, vibrant, vibration, vibrational, vibrations, vibratory |
Contohdan sensor getaran -- and vibration sensors --
getaran pita suara yang tidak teratur. irregular vocal fold tremor.
Kita melihat getaran suara, lemah, dan kaku. We see vocal tremor, weakness and rigidity.
yang dapat merasakan getaran that can feel these vibrations
dan mengubahnya menjadi getaran, transform it into a vibration,
sekitar 100.000 getaran per detik. that's about 100,000 vibrations per second.
Saya merasakan getaran realisasi I felt the thrill of realization
rompi getaran, a vibrating vest,
Dan karena Anda tidak bisa melihat getaran itu, and because you cannot see the vibration,
apakah berupa suara atau bau atau getaran. whether it's sound or smell or vibration.
Mereka merekam getaran bangunan dalam video. They were taking videos of buildings shaking.