Indonesian to English
gigi taring cuspid
gigi taring
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by Xamux Translate
gigitooth, cog, gear, edge
taringtusk, fang

Related Word(s)

canines, incisor


gigi taring kita yang kecil sekarang ini.
of the wimpish choppers that we now have.
Apakah Anda melihat ada gigi taring?
Do you see any Canine teeth?
antara gigi taring cuspids dan
between the canines cuspids and
binatang pengerat seperti gigi taring
rodent like incisor
campur antara gigi taring cuspids
intervene between the canines cuspids
dan gigi taring feed pada
and canine teeth feeds on
dan gigi taring yang besar
and large canine teeth
dari gigi taring mereka mana
of their canine teeth whence
dengan gigi taring besar melengkung
with enormous curved canine teeth
gigi seri atau gigi taring
incisor or canine teeth of
gigi taring atas lama swordlike
long swordlike upper canine teeth
gigi taring runcing atau gading
pointed canine tooth or tusk
gigi taring swordlike atas dari
swordlike upper canine teeth from
insisivus tajam dan gigi taring
sharp incisor and canine teeth
kelemahan dari gigi taring mereka
feebleness of their canine teeth
memutar gigi taring runcing atau
twisted pointed canine tooth or
panjang memutar gigi taring runcing
long twisted pointed canine tooth
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