guri | small earthen pot. |
guri | |||
gurih | deliciously oily |
gurinda | see GERINDA. |
gurindam | (Lit.) 1 aphorism in two lines. 2 rhapsodical type of free verse. |
guris | see GORES. |
gurit | 1 philosophical verse. 2 simple verse in rhyme. meng-gurit poetize, versify, write poetry. |
gurita | octopus |
ada seekor gurita bergerak melintasi there an octopus moving across
aku makan gurita tiga kali i eat octopus three times
atau gurih puding dibuat dengan or savory pudding made with
auguring keadaan yang menguntungkan dan auguring favorable circumstances and
bahwa gurita gurita ini punya that these animals all have
berbagai tipis mengkilap gurih atau various thin shiny savory or
bersama binatang binatang mengamati gurita with the animals seeing octopus
binatang binatang mengamati gurita bertingkah the animals seeing octopus being
cacat juga sebuah jelly gurih invalids also a savory jelly
cephalopoda termasuk gurita argonauta dan cephalopoda including octopus argonauta and
cumi cumi dan gurita dibranchiata squids and octopus the dibranchiata
cumi cumi dan gurita yang squids and octopus the
cuttlefishes cumi cumi dan gurita the cuttlefishes squids and octopus
daging gurih jelly mengandung porsi savory meat jelly containing portions
dan gurita menangkap ikan hiu shark and octopus captures