hak milik | muniments |
hak milik | |||
hak | right, rightful |
milik | property, possession |
ownership, property |
Contohmenjadi hak milik ayah saya. belongs to my father, so he had the right.
karena Anda tidak bisa menghormati hak milik pribadi. because you cannot respect private property rights.
Anda juga memerlukan hak milik negara, You need also state ownership,
bahwa nilai yang lebih rendah, hak milik, dan menjadikan objek adalah dasarnya that less value, property and objectification is the foundation
Ketiga, Hak Milik. Three, property rights.
Hak Milik: Ini bukan soal demokrasi; Property rights: It's not the democracy, folks;
ini soal memberlakukan hukum berdasarkan hak milik pribadi. it's having the rule of law based on private property rights.