ham | ham |
ham | |||
hama | plant disease, pest, infection, scourge |
hama tanaman kapas | boll weevil |
hamal | (Zod.) Aries. |
hamba | slave, servant |
hambalang | a great deal of violence (esp. in reference to martial art films). |
hambar | tasteless, flat, insipid, vapit, trite |
hambar/yang mengharukan a | mawkish |
hambat | checked, blocked |
hambat atur paralel | parallel regulator |
hambat busur cahaya | arc resistance |
hambat dalam | internal resistance |
hambat deferensial | differential resistance |
hambat dielektrik | dielectric resistance |
hambat efektif | effective resistance |
hambat elektrik | electric resistance |
hambat frekwensi tinggi | high frequency resistance |
hambat gerak-mula | starting-resistance |
hambat hubungan singkat | short-circuit resistance |
hambat induktif | induction-resistance |
hambat jangkar | armature resistance |
hams, human, justice, law, rights |
ContohKebanyakan sistem hukum di dunia didasarkan pada kepercayaan akan HAM. Most legal systems today in the world are based on a belief in human rights.
Namun apakah HAM itu? But what are human rights?
HAM, seperti Tuhan dan surga, hanyalah cerita yang kita ciptakan. Human rights, just like God and heaven, are just a story that we've invented.
namun Anda tidak akan temui HAM apapun. but you won't find any rights.
Satu-satunya tempat di mana Anda bisa temukan HAM, hanyalah dalam cerita The only place you find rights are in the stories
tidak semua percaya HAM, not everybody believes in human rights,
dari mana asal minat saya terhadap HAM dan keadilan? where did I get my passion for human rights and justice?
Tentu saya jadi percaya HAM, So of course I had to be interested in human rights,
di Komisi HAM yang ia ketuai pada tahun 1948 on the Commission on Human Rights, which she chaired in 1948,
dan menghasilkan Deklarasi Universal HAM. and drew up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Komisaris Tinggi HAM PBB as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
pada masalah pembangunan dan HAM. on issues of development and human rights.
jika perubahan iklim adalah ancaman terbesar terhadap HAM di abad 21 ini. that climate change is the greatest threat to human rights in the 21st century.
Deklarasi Universal HAM. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
adalah isu HAM nyata di abad ke-21 ini, the sort of real human rights issue of the 21st century,
masalah HAM dan pembangunan: the problem of human rights and development:
Ambil contoh masalah-masalah HAM dan Take the problems of human rights and
saya belajar untuk mendapatkan sertifikat ham. Saya menulis berbagai hal. I studied to get my ham license. I was wiring up stuff.
Seperti tautan berikutnya, tautan yang sangat menarik, Ham si simpanse luar angkasa. Like my next link, the almost irresistible link, Ham the Astrochimp.
Ham terbang ke luar angkasa. he flew into space.
bahwa HAM itu penting karena hal-hal yang menyertainya, human rights matters because of the other things it brings,
ada gulungan ham dingin, gulungan daging sapi panggang rolled up ham cold cuts, rolled up roast beef cold cuts
Perbedaannya adalah sandwich Susskind memiliki lebih banyak "ham"," The only difference is a Susskind sandwich would have a lot more ham,"
ham dalam artian aktor jelek. ham, as in bad actor.
memiliki banyak ham had a load of ham,
ada orang yang melaporkan pelanggaran HAM di Mesir; people were reporting violations of human rights in Egypt;