hambat | |||
hambat atur paralel | parallel regulator |
hambat busur cahaya | arc resistance |
hambat dalam | internal resistance |
hambat deferensial | differential resistance |
hambat dielektrik | dielectric resistance |
hambat efektif | effective resistance |
hambat elektrik | electric resistance |
hambat frekwensi tinggi | high frequency resistance |
hambat gerak-mula | starting-resistance |
hambat hubungan singkat | short-circuit resistance |
hambat induktif | induction-resistance |
hambat jangkar | armature resistance |
hambat kawat pijar | filament-resistance |
hambat kisi pelindung | screen grid resistance |
hambat lampu busur | arc-lamp resistance |
hambat maknetis | magnetic resistance |
hambat mula jalan seri | series starting-resistance |
hambat mula jalan stator | stator-starter |
hambat pengatur | regulating resistance |
hambat pengimbang | balancing resistance |
obstruent |
ada hambatan dana yang besar there are significant financial constraints
ada hambatan hambatan sosial budaya there are sociocultural obstacles
air pun menjadi terhambat dan water clogged and
akan menghambat pemulihan ekonomi nasional will impede national economic recovery
akan menjadi hambatan yang mendistorsi will become obstacles which distort
akibatnya menghambat upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan consequently inhibits poverty reduction
aksi dalam oposisi resistensi hambatan action in opposition hindrance resistance
aliran darah terhambat atau disebabkan obstructed blood flow or caused
allow flix menghambat multi slot allow flix prohibits multi slot
amerika serikat tanpa hambatan aktris uninhibited united states actress
anggaran tahun karena dapat menghambat budget because it can hamper
anggota yang dapat menghambat mereka members which could deny them
antara atau lebih hambatan mungkin between or over obstacles likely
apa pun yang menghambat gerak anything that impedes motion
apa yang menghalangi atau menghambat that which hinders or impedes