Indonesian to English
harus ada there must be
harus ada
please wait
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harushave to, must
adathere is/are, be, have, did

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Maka, keadilan harus ada di seluruh dunia.
Therefore, there should be justice throughout the world.
Namun ada hal lain yang juga harus ada di sana.
There is something more though that has to be there.
Harus ada kerelaan dalam berbuat baik,
There has to be a willingness to do good deeds,
Saya segera sadar bahwa "ruang pria" tidak harus ada di dalam.
I soon realized that manspaces didn't have to be only inside.
harus ada versi terpisah
there had to be separate versions read
Harus ada potongan puzzle lainnya.
There had to be another piece of the jigsaw.
saya akan mengajukan bahwa harus ada teori evolusi umum.
then I propose we should have a general theory of evolution.
"Tempat ini diperuntukkan untuk ritel; jadi kalian harus ada rencana lain."
"Well, the space is zoned for retail; you have to come up with something.
Jadi harus ada fungsi, dan fungsi harus bisa diprediksi.
So there has to be function, the function has to be predictable
Namun jika saya melanjutkan petualangan ini, harus ada
But if I'm going to continue doing these adventures, there has to be
secepat orang-orang berbicara, kurang lebih harus ada
with the pace of speech, more or less, you have to have
Dan tentu saja, harus ada satu tentang porno kan?
And of course, there's got to be one about porn, right?
harus ada cukup makanan yang dihasilkan,
enough food has to be produced,
harus ada cara yanga aman.
There's got to be a middle way.
bukan salah satu benda yang hanya harus ada di Vegas.
is not one of those things that has to stay in Vegas.
Tetapi saya berkata harus ada
But I say it has to be
Harus ada lebih banyak sekolah lagi yang melakukan proyek seperti ini.
There should be even more schools doing this kind of project.
memahami mengapa lebah harus ada di kota.
why they should be in the city.
Kedua, harus ada penerimaan
Secondly, there had to be an acceptance
dan buku ini harus ada pada daftar bacaan anda
and this should be on all of your reading lists --
Marshmallow itu harus ada di paling atas.
The marshmallow has to be on top.
harus ada lagu,
there should be songs,
harus ada lagu tentang "Aku ingin",
there should be an "I want" song,
harus ada lagu tentang desa yang bahagia,
there should be a happy village song,
harus ada cerita cinta
there should be a love story
dan harus ada penjahat.
and there should be a villain.
Karenanya, harus ada alternatifnya.
And therefore, you ought to look at alternatives.
sudah jelas saya harus ada dalam posisi percaya.
obviously I have got to be in a position of trust.
Tetapi partikel itu harus ada -- harus ada
But they're necessary: they're necessary
Nah, sekali lagi, harus ada dua elemen.
Well, again, it should have the two elements.
Dan untuk menumbuhkan kemakmuran, harus ada keamanan.
And in order to build prosperity, we need security in place.
Idealnya harus ada seperangkat norma
It would be ideal to have a standard set of norms
Dan di antaranya, harus ada lembaga umum,
And in between, there should be a public agency,
Mengapa harus ada susunan dalam perang?
Why should there be order in war?
dari mulanya harus ada dua orang yang memegangi saya
and I went from the point of two people holding me up
dimana dia merasa bahwa harus ada sesuatu di luar sana
where he felt that there must be something out there
karena jika Anda ingin ada kehidupan maka harus ada air.
because if you want life you have to have water.
harus ada pengaruh interpersonal
there has to be interpersonal influence.
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