harus selalu | had always to |
harus selalu | |||
always, necessarily |
ContohPonsel tersebut -- ya, Anda harus selalu melihat ke bawah untuk mengambil ponsel, The cell phone is -- yeah, you have to look down on it and all that,
Jadi Anda harus selalu berpikir hati-hati So you have to always think carefully
Hal itu lebih buruk. Kami harus selalu bertingkah seperti sedang mencari mangsa. That's even worse. We're supposed to always be on the prowl.
harus selalu membuka jendela. I basically had to roll down the window.
Kami percaya bahwa anda harus selalu mengerti resiko yang anda ambil We believe that you should always understand the risks that you're taking,
dan mereka harus selalu bergerak, and they have to keep moving,
Anda harus selalu menggunakan dosimeter setiap saat, You have to have dosimeter at all times, clicking away,
harus selalu mendukung adiknya. are always supposed to support their little sisters.
Anda tidak harus selalu kaya atau kuat You don't always have to be rich or powerful