haruslah | it should be |
haruslah | |||
haruslah hanya | should just |
haruslah jelas | it should be clear |
also, be, christians, essential, has, have, it, keep, let, must, possess, representatives, shall, should, sojourner, take |
ContohPertama adalah sistem itu haruslah dalam posisi The first is, the system has to be in
Kedua, kehidupan haruslah hadir dalam bentuk cair, Secondly, life needs to be in liquid form,
haruslah orang Bali. has to be Balinese,
gadis kecil haruslah baik dan bijaksana little girls were supposed to be kind and thoughtful
Keutuhan haruslah Anda sendiri. It has got to be you.
Dan pembicaraan itu haruslah dua arah. And it has to be bi-directional.
menjelaskan bahwa rancangan haruslah besar, dan dia benar. he explains that design must get big, and he's right.
Produk yang Anda jual haruslah luar biasa, The product that you want to sell has to be fantastic,
haruslah sempurna, was supposed to be perfect,
kota itu haruslah sangat besar. it has to be very big.
Jaringan ini haruslah bagian dari penjelasan itu. It has to be part of the explanation.
Maka itu haruslah molekul yang tahan lama. It's got to be long-lived molecules.
Sehingga prioritas kebijakan haruslah untuk memecahkan halangan itu And so the policy priority is to break the bottlenecks
Keduanya haruslah sama. It must be the same.
tidak dapat dihindari bahwa mereka haruslah it's kind of inevitable that they have to be
bahwa untuk menjadi bahagia, wanita haruslah kurus; that women have to be thin to be happy;
gambar itu haruslah diambil pada tempat dan waktu yang tepat. it's down to being in the right place at the right time.
hasil dari keduanya haruslah angka yang sama, they have to be the same number,
Segala sesuatu yang terjadi di layar haruslah Everything that happened on screen had to be
Anda haruslah sangat kaya -- you had to be very rich --
namun Anda haruslah sangat kaya. but you had to be pretty wealthy.
Tapi, sekarang fokus haruslah kembali ke pencegahan. But focus now is back on prevention.
Potret pemuda ini haruslah potret yang dibuat pertama. The young man should be made first.