Indonesian to English
ho oh !
please wait
by Xamux Translate
ho,ho.[hongeroedeem] malnutrition.
hoakiau/Hoakiauw/ overseas Chinese.
hobatsee OBAT.
hobihobby, like to
hofmesterchief musician of a palace (colonial period).
hohosound of laughter.
hoiHey ! (esp. when calling s.o. from afar)
hojatsee HUJAT.
hokigood luck
hokkifield hockey
hol(Islam) annual, ritual feast to commemorate the dead.
holan/Hollan/ (Coll.) Netherlands.
holobis kuntul barisyo-heave-ho
a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
sebuah negara di utara Amerika midwestern pusat Serikat di wilayah Great Lakes
source: WordNet 3.0
abadi dengan daun tampaknya whorled
perennial with apparently whorled leaves
abadi shelflike sporophores sering dari
perennial shelflike sporophores often of
abadi tanaman cichorium intybus dengan
perennial plant cichorium intybus with
abadi tegak gametophores dan batang
perennial erect gametophores and stems
abalone kerang dan keyhole kerang
abalone shells and keyhole limpets
abhorring detesting memiliki atau menampilkan
abhorring detesting having or showing
abies dari pohon konifer sering
abies of coniferous trees often
abimelekh menjadi raja dekat pohon
abimelech king by the oak
abnormal komplemen dari hormon seks
abnormal complement of sex hormones
aborigin pohon adalah turun temurun
aborigines the tree is hereditary
abraham berbohong kepada firaun tentang
abraham lied to pharaoh about
abu atau rowan pohon dan
ash or rowan tree and
acanthocottus memiliki kepala besar yang
acanthocottus having a large head
acara acara talk show dan
the talk show circuit and
accept without questioning atau tantangan
accept without questioning or challenge
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