hobi | |||
hobbies, hobby, hobbyist, passion, pastime |
ContohMereka mengorbankan hobi. Dan mereka mengorbankan tidur. Hal itu berpengaruh pada kesehatan mereka. They sacrifice hobbies. And they sacrifice sleep. So it affects their health.
dan sangat bersemangat tentang koleksi dan hobi mereka, And they were very passionate about their collections and their hobbies.
sebagai mantan penerbit majalah hobi, as a former publisher of hobbyist magazines,
menikmati hobi mereka, bermain keluar. enjoy other hobbies, get outside, play.
berbicara tentang hobi mereka, to talk about their passion,
Dan itu berarti orang yang hobi dan orang-orang biasa and that means that hobbyists and ordinary folks
saya akan berbicara tentang hobi yang bisa berkembang and I'm going to talk to you about a hobby that can scale
penggemar kereta, kucing -- kelompok hobi klasik. train spotters and cat fanciers -- classic affinity groups.
Ini bukan cuma hobi saya saja. It's not something that is a hobby of mine.
Dan boleh jadi pula saya memerlukan hobi untuk keseimbangan. And I probably will need a hobby as a leveling mechanism.
Ayah saya seorang profesor di universitas dwibahasa. Ayah hobi bermain catur, bridge, dan menulis tajuk utama. My dad was a bilingual college professor. His hobbies were chess, bridge and writing op-eds.
Mari kita mulai dengan hobi: Saat Anda menjadi pikun, Anda semakin sulit untuk menikmati diri sendiri. Let's start with the hobbies. When you get dementia, it gets harder and harder to enjoy yourself.
tapi apapun sebabnya, saya hobi sekali. but whatever the case, I like that.