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  1. beserta
    (berikut, bersama, ikut, turut, membarengi, mendampingi, menemani, mengiringi, menyertai)
  2. iring
  3. kintil
  4. menimbrung
  5. serta
  6. tiru
  7. tempuh
  8. turut
  9. membonceng
  10. mendompleng
  11. menebeng
  12. menumpang
ikut . menujufollow up
ikut ambil bagian dalamhad a finger in every pie
ikut bandingcoappellant
ikut berbarisfall into the ranks
ikut berduka citacondole
ikut bertempurjoin battle
ikut campurhad a hand in
ikut campur urusan orang -cast in lot with
ikut memboncengdrive with a person
ikut mengambil bagianpoachon another's preserve
ikut penandatangancosignatory
ikut pendapat orang banyakjumped on the band wagon
ikut pergi; setujugoing along with
ikut sertajoining in
ikut terlibat dalamhad a finger in the pie
ikut-ikutbe a hanger on
ikut-ikutanalways a follower

Related Word(s)

accompany, actively, aided, along, also, apart, apply, asking, attended, avoid, back, be, bear, become, board, came, come, end, engage, evidence, excused, exempted, fight, fit, follow, followed, from, get, getting, give, go, going, gone, got, had, have, on


Jika saya membuat Anda gembira, saya juga ikut gembira.
If I do something that makes you happy, I get to share your joy.
di mana reporter dan produsernya ikut serta.
And they had the reporters and their producers participate.
Jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut akan berbeda-beda tergantung pada siapa yang ikut berdiskusi disitu.
The answer to that question changes depending on who's sitting around that table.
karena guru-guru ikut campur, dan membuat saya berorientasi pada masa depan.
because teachers intervened, and made me future oriented.
saya ikut terlarut dalam kesedihan, kesulitan,
and I am overwhelmed by the sadness, by the difficulty,
Saya mulai saat saya masih muda. Saya lebih muda dari banyak orang yang ikut menari dengan saya.
I was young when I started. I was younger than a lot of the people I was dancing with.
Dan saya berharap Anda semua ikut mengambil bagian.
And I hope you all take part.
yang memungkinkan mereka ikut menyanyikan lagu itu dengan mengenakan headphone,
just so they could sing along to the song with headphones on,
? Sekarang semua ikut bernyanyi ?
? Now everybody sings ?
Mereka menjadi bingung dan tidak ikut serta.
And they get overwhelmed and the just don't join.
dengan sel-sel itu ikut mati.
connected to them, they die too.
sebagai ayah dari gadis yang tidak ikut upacara.
the father of that girl who didn't go through the ceremony.
Terus berjalan, dan sebuah paduan suara lengkap ikut bergabung,
Keep walking, and a full choir joins in,
sehingga saya dapat ikut serta dalam kenikmatan ilmu pengetahuan ini
so that I could partake in the joy of science,
tentunya kerangkengnya tidak ikut dibuang
Of course, the cage was salvaged.
Setiap siswa di sekolah saya bisa ikut serta dan
Any student at my school can come and
Dia telah ikut banyak pertempuran.
He's been in many battles.
Kita perlu ikut terlibat, kita perlu mendidik,
We've got to engage, we've got to educate,
Dan pemerintah di seluruh dunia pun ikut ambisius.
And governments are very ambitious around the world.
salah satu dari empat pemuda Greensboro yang ikut serta dalam protes Woolworth,
one of the Greensboro Four who had taken part in the Woolworth sit-ins,
yang, bila ikut dalam pertempuran, pastilah menang,
who, when he participated in battle, victory was assured,
Kalau engkau ikut lomba, menanglah! --
When you play in a race, win! --
bahkan anak-anak enam tahun pun ikut bergabung.
even the six-year-olds were joining in.
Dan saat ekosistem itu runtuh, akan ada ekosistem utama yang ikut serta,
And when that ecosystem collapses, it could take a major ecosystem with it,
Anda membutuhkan semua orang untuk ikut serta
You need everybody to be involved
Setiap menteri, bahkan hakim, harus ikut serta dalam pendidikan AIDS.
Every ministry, even judges, had to be involved in AIDS education --
semua orang ikut serta.
everyone was involved.
Dan kami berkata, "Setiap orang harus ikut serta."
And we said, "Everyone needs to be involved."
untuk ikut serta menyelamatkan nyawa.
to be involved in saving lives.
"Dengar, kamu harus ikut paduan suara.
"Listen, you've got to join choir.
karena saya tidak pernah ikut paduan suara manapun.
as I've never been part of one.
Jadi saya bilang, "Apa kamu mau ikut denganku?
So I said to him, "Do you want to come with me?
Akan sangat menarik kalau kamu ikut.
It'd be really interesting if you came.
Mereka akan memberitahu anda bagaimana anda bisa berperanserta. Saya harap anda bisa ikut terjun dan membantu.
They will tell you how to be useful. I hope that you'll step in and help out.
Gambar-gambar saya juga ikut membintangi film itu.
My drawings got to star in the movie too.
sampai saya ikut kelas sains Mr. Carlock.
until I had Mr. Carlock's science class.
ia mulai ikut acara kuis dan mencari uang.
she starts going on game shows and making money.
dan ia masuk, "Ayah, aku ingin kau ikut denganku. Aku ingin mainanku."
and he came in, "Baba, I want you to come with me. I want my toy."
aku ingin kau ikut denganku ke ruang kerja ku di rumahku.
I want you to come with me to my office in my house.
yang ingin Anda ikut ciptakan.
that you want to be part of creating.
satu bagian otak menyebabkan bagian otak lainnya ikut aktif.
one brain area causing another to activate.
jika anda semua ikut dalam perjalanan ini.
if you'll come on this journey with me.
sesuatu juga ikut naik secara bersamaan -- unit home theather.
is that something else took off along with it: home-theater units.
Dan saya ikut kejuaraan
And I entered competitions
"Saya merasa ikut
"I feel as if I've played a role
Wanita sudah ikut berlomba di Olimpiade sejak lama,
Women have been in the Olympics for quite some time now,
Tapi akhirnya Anda ikut maraton yang tadi kita bicarakan --
But you get to the marathon we were just talking about --
Anda baru saja diizinkan ikut lari maraton 20 tahun yang lalu.
you guys have only been allowed to run the marathon for 20 years.
mengapa Anda dilarang ikut maraton sebelum tahun 1980-an?
why you were banned from the marathon before the 1980s?
Saya sudah ikut banyak maraton.
Now I've been to a lot of marathons,
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