Indonesian to English
imam faith, belief, creed
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by Xamux Translate


  1. penghantar
  2. pemimpin
  3. penganjur
  4. zaim
  5. kepala adat
  6. kepala negeri
  7. ketua
  8. penghulu
  9. raja
  10. padri
  11. pastor
  12. pater
  13. pendeta mengimami memimpin

Related Word(s)

abraham, community, exemplar, feet, guides, her, imams, leader, leaders, model, officiating, pattern, patterns, priest, priestess, priesthood, priestly, priests, shall, the, truth


namanya pada piagam ini, juga Imam Faisal Rauf, Imam di New York.
is very happy to give his name to this, as is Imam Feisal Rauf, the Imam in New York City.
tiga imam yang paling disegani,
the three most respected imams,
imam para navigator.
a navigator priest.
atau imam agung,
or of high priests,
diterjemahkan bersama dengan: wita, wina, syal, enci, icha, imam, dan kadek
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