industri | industry |
industri | |||
industri baja | steel industry |
industri berat | heavy industry |
industri besi | iron industry |
industri dasar | basic industry |
industri ekonomi | economic industry |
industri ekstraktif | extractive industry |
industri film | film industry |
industri gula | sugar-industry |
industri jasa | service industries |
industri kaca | glass-industry |
industri kapal | ship-building industry |
industri kimia | chemical-industry |
industri konstruktif | constructive industry |
industri kulit | leather industry |
industri logam | metal-industry |
industri lokal | local industry |
industri maritim | maritime industry |
industri mekanis | mechanized industry |
industri minyak | oil industry |
industri muda | infant industry |
against, amusing, annual, businesses, companies, economic, economy, factories, industrial, industrialists, industrialized, industries, industry, manufacture, manufacturing, samudra, sector, significantly, suriname, the, zone |
Contohadalah setengah dari biaya proyek industri militer paling terkenal lainnya as was spent on the most famous military-industrial project
Seperti yang saya katakan, kami memiliki mesin industri seperti ini di lab So I said we have such an industrial machine in the lab
industri, dan teknologi untuk menghasilkan teknologi ini agar dapat diterapkan dan dipasarkan. industries, technologies, to produce these technologies for application, and finally markets.
Industri pemancingan menggunakan alat-alat besar, Industrial fishing uses big stuff,
sekitar awal revolusi industri. around the start of the Industrial Revolution.
pabrik pembuat jaring industri, with an industrial fishnet factory,
Restoran dan industri boga secara umum Restaurants and the food industry in general
kemungkinan besar merupakan industri yang paling boros are pretty much the most wasteful industry
Orang-orang juga membangun industri hijau mereka, And people are bringing their green industries,
untuk tungku industri yang menggunakan microwave. for industrial furnaces that use microwaves,
minat terhadap industri hiburan the interests of the entertainment industry
bagi industri musik yang terkadang kesulitan for a music industry that's sometimes struggled
Lihatlah industri citra diri Look at the industry for self-image
dan industri aksi laga dalam film dan televisi. and the stunts industry in the movies and in television,
saat orang-orang di industri pakaian antariksa, as some other people in the space suit industry,
karena buku-buku ini dibajak oleh Revolusi Industri." because these books are hijacked by Industrial Revolution."
meski kami tak punya industri sama sekali. And we don't have any industry at all --
Ini adalah sudah jadi standar di dunia industri. These are standard in all the industrialized worlds.
adalah kemenangan organisasi industri modern. is a triumph of modern industrial organization,
" .. kelas dan pergolakan baru, seperti halnya revolusi industri." "... new classes and new class struggles, just as the industrial revolution did."
YNH: Ya. Pada revolusi industri, YNH: Yes. In the industrial revolution,
mereka tidak melakukannya di industri itu. They just don't do that in that industry.
Lobi dari industri tembakau terlalu kuat. The tobacco lobby, it's too strong.
penjaga pantai ke dalam industri perikanan, dan saya menjamin, along with the fisheries industry, and I can guarantee you,
di atas standar pre-industri. of warming above pre-Industrial standards.
negara industri harus memotong tingkat emisi mereka, industrialized countries must cut their emissions,
kecuali industri bahan bakar fosil -- except for the fossil fuel industries --
Jadi, saya harus bekerja. Dan saya bekerja di industri farmasi. So, I had to take up a job. And I worked in the pharma industry.
Dan saya bekerja di industri kesehatan. And I worked in the healthcare industry.
Sekarang saya bekerja di industri teknologi energi matahari. Now I work in the solar technology industry.
sponsor industri, penyunting jurnal, dan dalam beberapa hal industry sponsors, journal editors, for some reason
Kami mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang sama dengan cara bernegosiasi dengan industri We tried to do the same thing by negotiating industry-right deals
dengan industri minuman bersoda dan makanan kecil untuk memangkas kalori with the soft drink and the snack food industry to cut the caloric
Dan terima kasih industri pengolahan bahan kimia And thank you chemical processing industry
Dalam bidang industri saya, In my industry,
peradaban industri, jika Anda mau -- selama 200 tahun, an industrial civilization, if you would -- for 200 years.
Saya baru - baru ini berbicara dengan perwakilan industri migas I was talking to the oil industry recently
Industri elektronika hanya memiliki sekian lusin bagian, The electronics industry only had a dozen or so components,
Anda dapat menggunakannya dalam dunia industri. You could use it in an industrial context.
itu adalah sejarah pertanian industri. it's the history of industrial agriculture.
dan revolusi industri. and of industrial revolution.
bahwa industri gambar bergerak dan video that the motion picture and video industries
Data lainnya menunjukkan industri musik mempekerjakan 45.000 orang. Other data has the music industry at about 45,000 people.
membuat jumlah lapangan pekerjaan pada industri konten menjadi minus. have therefore left us with negative employment in our content industries.
Dan bum! Anda tahu, kami lalu memiliki sebuah industri bioteknologi, And, boom, we've, you know, had a biotech industry. And,
fotografi, desain industri. photography, industrial design.
dari bekerja di industri perangkat lunak, dan mereka dapat mengajar anak Anda. from working in the software industry, and they can teach your kid.
ketika industri filantropi global muncul, as a global philanthropy industry comes about --
dan juga industri penangkapan realitas. as well as in reality capture industry.
penghormatan kepada Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Amerika, a tribute to the Recording Industry Association of America --