Indonesian to English
ingin mencapai shoot for
ingin mencapai
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by Xamux Translate
inginwant, wish, desire
mencapaisee "capai"


perfeksionis, selalu ingin mencapai lebih.
perfectionists, over-achievers.
jika orang Amerika ingin mencapai impian Amerika,
if Americans want to live the American dream,
ketika ia berkata, "Saya tidak ingin mencapai keabadian melalui pekerjaan saya.
when he said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work.
Tapi kalau Anda ingin mencapai puncak,
But if you want to reach the very top,
adalah kita ingin mencapai pembersihan virtual
is that we would like to see the virtual elimination
Jadi kami ingin mencapai suatu tujuan, dan kami masih ingin terus mencapainya.
So we were onto something, and we're still onto something.
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