Indonesian to English
inilah this is it
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inilah alasan kenapathis is why
inilah di manahere is where
inilah sayahere i am
inilah situasi yanghere was a situation

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Inilah Adam Smith yang sama yang 17 tahun kemudian
Now this is the same Adam Smith who, 17 years later,
namun inilah resep Anda dari Dokter Cinta,
but here's your prescription from Dr. Love:
Dan benar, inilah mengapa seringkali kita salah.
And yeah, it is also why we get things wrong.
Maksud saya, inilah kehidupan.
I mean, this is life.
Dan seperti inilah hal ini berjalan.
And that's how it goes.
Jadi apa itu perspektif waktu? Inilah yang akan saya bicarakan hari ini.
So what is time perspective? That's what I'm going to talk about today.
Dan jadi hal inilah yang kami coba lakukan
And so these are the things we will try to do
Hal ini tak pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Inilah dia.
That didn't happen before. There it goes.
"Inilah tempat-tempat dimana tidak terdapat guru-guru yang bagus"
"These are places where good teachers won't go."
Inilah yang mereka lakukan
This is what these children are doing.
Inilah yang saya bangun saat ini.
This is what I'm building now --
Dan inilah alasannya ini menjadi proyek yang buruk.
And that is really why it becomes a bad project.
-- maksud saya inilah suara yang menghancurkan diri sendiri.
-- but my point is it's the sound of self-destruction.
Dan kemudian -- inilah di mana kita kembali ke lagu --
And then -- okay, this is where we get to the song --
Dan inilah yang terjadi.
And this is what happened.
Inilah kurang lebih salah satu tantangan
This, in a way, is one of the challenges
Perasaan-perasaan inilah yang muncul setiap saat kita berhadapan dengan realita.
And these same feelings are there for all of us as we face the world.
bahwa dalam hidup, hal inilah yang penting dalam berbelas kasih,
"In life, this is what's important in terms of compassion."
membuka tabut dan berkata, "Tuhan, aku tidak tahu mengapa Engkau menginginkan roti ini, tapi inilah dia."
opened the ark and said, "God, I don't know why you want this bread, but here you are."
Ia lalu berkata, "Seperti inilah yang terjadi."
And he said, you know, "This is what's happening."
"Tidakkah Anda mengerti?" katanya, "Inilah tangan-tangan Tuhan."
"Don't you understand?" He said, "These are the hands of God."
inilah beberapa hal yang terjadi.
these are the things that happen.
Dan seperti inilah tujuan kami.
And that's exactly what we were aiming for.
Jadi inilah contohnya.
So this is the specimen coming out now.
Inilah mesin yang dirancang
It was a machine that was designed
inilah mesin ini jika dilihat dari atas.
this is a view from above.
dan program inilah yang ada di Museum Ilmiah
and this is a program in the Science Museum, just
Jadi inilah yang saya sebut Lompatan Lovelace.
So this is what I call Lovelace's Leap.
yang melakukan penjumlahan. Inilah mekanisme penjumlahan
and it's going to add. This is the adding mechanism
? Inilah saatnya untuk membuat produk, lalu kita bertemu dengan Townsend ?
? It was time to make the product, so we hooked up with Townsend ?
Mungkin inilah pemandangan yang kebanyakan Anda tahu tentang Doha.
This is probably the skyline that most of you know about Doha.
Inilah kondisinya di Qatar, untuk yang belum tahu.
This is the situation in Qatar, for those who don't know.
karena inilah proyeknya, inilah sistem yang akan kami hantarkan --
because these are the projects, these are the systems that we will deliver --
dari permukaan Titan dari roket satelit itu. Dan inilah yang kami lihat.
of Titan's surface from the probe. And this is what we saw.
sangat mengejutkan, karena inilah apa yang kami harapkan
And it was a shocker, because it was everything we wanted
Dan inilah cakrawalanya, OK?
And here is the horizon, OK?
Inilah contoh kedua:
As just a second example:
Sinyal-sinyal inilah yang kacau pada kelainan seperti kecanduan.
And also these are signals that go awry in disorders such as addiction.
Inilah klip selanjutnya
And now this next clip
Inilah sekilas mengenai potensi penjelajahan lautan
It was the glimpse into a potential future
Inilah dunia bawah air
It's an underwater world
Saudara-saudari inilah, The LXD.
Ladies and gentlemen: The LXD.
Inilah terumbu karang itu 15 tahun lalu
that's the same reef 15 years ago;
Inilah salah satunya.
It's one of those things.
namun inilah keadaannya di tahun 1950-an
but this is what it was like in the 1950s
Jadi inilah caulerpa taxifolia
So this is the infamous
dan inilah tanaman dari "The Little Shop of Horrors,"
but this is the plant of "The Little Shop of Horrors."
Dan inilah rumah para pensiunan
And that's retirement homes
inilah pemutihan karang, gambar yang indah bukan?
this is coral bleaching. It's a beautiful picture, right?
Inilah seekor induk beruang dengan anaknya yang berumur dua tahun
Here's a mother and her two year-old cub
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