Indonesian to English
insiden incident
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  1. kejadian
    (insiden, kasus, keadaan, masalah, peri, perihal, peristiwa, perkara, kelahiran, terjadi, terjadinya)
  2. peristiwa
  3. kecelakaan
insiden diplomatikdiplomatic accident

Related Word(s)

clash, incidence, incident, incidents, news, police


berbicara mengenai insiden ini,
spoke about this incident,
Insiden malaria adalah beberapa juta orang terinfeksi tiap tahun.
The incidence of malaria is about a couple of [million] people get infected every year.
kita bisa menurunkan insiden tersebut hingga setengahnya.
we could bring that incidence down to half.
Pada sebuah insiden, Achilles, seorang pejuang Yunani yang sangat terkenal,
In one incident, Achilles, the famous warrior of Greece, takes his troops out of the war,
mengenai insiden ini,
remarked over this incident,
ada sebuah insiden
there was a troubling incident
lalu ada insiden penarikan mobil besar-besaran.
and then they had the big recall incident.
Dan saya bertanya pada mahasiswa di Kuwait di mana mereka pikir insiden itu terjadi.
And I asked the students in Kuwait where they thought these incidents took place.
ada penurunan jumlah insiden
there is a reduced incidence of
selama insiden
during the unfortunate
korban dari lokasi insiden bahkan
victims from the incident locations
karena Anda harus meliput sebuat insiden yang besar.
because you have to cover a great incident.
Saat insiden-insiden ini
So when these incidents are reported
memiliki insiden mayoritas kanker yang sangat rendah.
have a very low incidence of most cancers.
berdasarkan seberapa sering kita dengar insiden itu terjadi.
by how easy it is to bring instances of it to mind.
Jumlah contoh insiden di dunia nyata juga membantu.
Enough real world examples helps.
Kalau kita punya data insiden keamanan di lingkungan kita
Now we all know the crime rate in our neighborhood,
dalam insiden berpeluang rendah
with low probability events.
mengutip insiden-insiden khusus, dan memegangkan cermin pada kehidupan saya.
quoting specific incidents, and held a mirror to my life.
yang melaporkan prevalensi atau insiden kondisi tertentu.
that report the prevalence or the incidence of certain conditions.
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