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institut institute
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institut keguruan dan llmu pendidikaninstitute of teachership education
institut perikananinstitute of fishery
institut teknologiinstitute of technology

Related Word(s)

institute, university


sehingga saya dapat pergi ke Institut Braille
so that I could go to the Braille Institute
Institut Pew, yang menghasilkan data yang bagus
The Pew Institute, which produces good data
karena DNA sudah ditentukan di Institut Rockefeller
because DNA had been determined at the Rockefeller Institute
Ellen Galinsky dari Institut Keluarga dan Kerja
Ellen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute
dari Institut Nasional Kesehatan.
of our National Institutes of Health.
yang diberikan kepada Institut Jantung, Paru-Paru, dan Hati Nasional
that went to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
Kami melakukannya di Institut Jantung Cedars-Sinai
We're doing this at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
Saya bekerja di Institut SETI.
Well, I work at the SETI Institute.
di Institut SETI. Kini, saya harus berkata
at the SETI Institute. Now, I have to say
Itu membuat saya menjadi guru besar dan dosen tamu di seluruh Institut Manajemen India.
That makes me a visiting professor and guest lecturer in all IIMs.
Sebuah laporan dari Institut Kriminologi Australia.
This is from a Australian Institute of Criminology report.
Dan saya senang bahwa institut Akuntan Berijazah di Inggris
And I'm delighted that the Institute of Chartered Accountants in the U.K.
oleh Diego Rivera di Institut Seni Detroit.
by Diego Rivera in the Detroit Institute of Art.
Ini adalah rekaman video yang diambil oleh Dokter Mike Latz di Institut Scripps
This is some shot, by Dr. Mike Latz at Scripps Institution,
Akuarium dan Institut Penelitian Monterey Bay
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Tidak kepada pembakaran buku. Institut Mesir dibakar
No to burning books. The Institute of Egypt was burned
seorang ahli biologi molekul di Institut Scripps.
who is a molecular biologist at the Scripps Institute.
Dan dalam sesi terakhir, di Institut Aspen
And in the final session, at the Aspen Institute,
yang ingin mendirikan institut bidang fisika teori.
and we want to start an institute in theoretical physics.
dari Institut Metrik dan Evaluasi Kesehatan di Seattle
from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle
Lokasinya di Institut Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Lanjutan Korea.
This is at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
dari Institut Ilmu Pengetahuan Hewan Nasional di Korea Selatan,
from the National Institute of Animal Science in South Korea,
dan Institut Nasional dalam Penuaan
and the National Institute on Aging,
Lalu inilah pertanyaannya, Institut Nasional tentang Penuaan
And this is a question. The National Institute on Aging
di Institut Genom, Universitas Washington,
at the Genome Institute at Washington University,
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