jagoan | |||
aces, character, master, rockstar, swashbuckler, swashbuckling, whiz |
ContohMereka membicarakan tokoh jagoan mereka They're talking about their little action figures
mereka membuka toko Barang Kebutuhan Jagoan Brooklyn. they opened the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company.
para jagoan -- semua barang kebutuhan dasar. for superheroes -- all the supplies in kind of basic form.
untuk mendeklarasikan janji para jagoan, that you have to recite the vow of heroism,
Dia membantu menulis sebuah dokumenter lelucon tentang para jagoan gagal He co-wrote a mockumentary about failed superheroes
bahwa saat itu, saya adalah jagoan bisnis. then, that I was kind of a business hero.
Saat berusia 20-an, dia seorang jagoan eksekutif periklanan. In his 20s, he was a hotshot ad executive,
Tetapi kemudian saya berhenti. Karena saya berpikir saya adalah jagoan But then I stopped, because I figured I was this hot-shot guy
Pengamatan bahwa sel punca, sebagai sel jagoan The observation that stem cells, as master cells,
Seperti yang dikatakan salah satu jagoan saya, Carl Sagan, As one of my great heroes, Carl Sagan, said,
Burung mockingbirds memang jagoan. Mockingbirds are badass.
tindakan heroik atau jagoan heroic acts of self-sacrifice