Indonesian to English
jam hour, clock, time for doing, watch
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  1. arloji
  2. beker
  3. weker
  4. pukul
  5. tanda waktu
jam ampereampere hour
jam atomatomic clock
jam bekeralarum
jam berangkat kereta apitraintime
jam berapa sekarangwhat time is it
jam besar yang berdiri di lantaigrandfather clock
jam delapaneight o'clock
jam digitaldigital watch
jam duatwo o'clock
jam duabelastwelve o'clock
jam empatfour o'clock
jam enamsix o'clock
jam jelajah-kitarcircumnavigating clocks
jam kerjaman hour
jam kerja bankbank hours
jam kerja langsungdirect job hours
jam kilowattkelvin
jam kimiachemical clock
jam limafive o'clock
jam listrikelectric clock

Related Word(s)

a, about, am, an, at, clock, clocks, clockwork, corridor, day, explain, friday, global, go, h, his, hour, hours, hr, m, midday, o, passenger, pm, restriction, school, survey, the, time, times, watch, watches


Anda duduk di kursi itu selama satu setengah jam.
You're going to sit on these hard chairs for an hour and a half.
Suruh pria itu menunggu setengah jam,
Tell that guy to wait half an hour.
dan yang paling utama, enam jam sehari, 5 hari seminggu,
but ultimately, six hours a day, five days a week
Mereka melakukan semua itu dalam waktu empat jam
They did all of this in four hours
satu jam
one hour of broadband time,
Dan diperlukan paling tidak 1 jam dengan 2 orang
And it would take two people at least an hour
Setelah setengah juta jam
After half a million hours
Waktu itu jam tidur putra saya, Aboody.
It was the bedtime of my son, Aboody.
dan dia membuat sebuah website bernama 80.000 jam,
and he's set up a website called 80,000 Hours,
jumlah jam yang diperkirakannya
the number of hours he estimates
Iia bekerja 16 jam sehari;
and he works 16-hour days;
dari dapur ibunya di Zurich selama berjam-jam
sitting in his mother's kitchen in Zurich for hours
dengan kecepatan ratusan mil per jam,
going at hundreds of miles an hour,
rekaman kuliah sepanjang satu jam
to record an hour-long lecture
menghabiskan sebanyak 50 sampai 100 jam.
putting in 50 to 100 hours.
Huygens membutuhkan dua setengah jam untuk turun, dan mendarat pada permukaannya.
it took two and a half hours to descend, and it landed on the surface.
Ada jam kecil di ujung kiri bawah sana,
And there's a little clock in the lower left-hand corner,
dan saat mendekati jam makan siang, guru kami,
and as we came up towards lunchtime, our teacher,
Jika, ketika TED dimulai pada jam 11 hari Selasa,
If, when TED had begun, at 11 o'clock on Tuesday,
akan memakan waktu 5 jam hanya untuk menunjukkan bilangan itu kepada Anda.
it would have taken five hours to show you that number.
kami berhasil mengumpulkan total dana yang diperlukan dalam dua jam,
we raised our funding goal in about two hours,
Seandainya saja saya punya setengah jam untuk bercerita
I wish I could spend half an hour telling you
Ini setelah satu jam berada di bawah es.
This is after an hour under the ice.
Setelah satu jam dalam kondisi seperti ini,
After an hour in these conditions,
agarbattis, selama delapan jam
agarbattis, for eight hours
Dalam dua jam, setelah punggung mereka pegal,
And in two hours, after their backs were broke,
Dia menjawab, "Saya berada di pesawat selama 24 jam."
He said, "I've been on an airplane for 24 hours."
Mei lalu saya beruntung, selama 24 jam,
Last May I had this extraordinary 24-hour period
Kurang dari 24 jam setelahnya,
But less than 24 hours,
dan saya menghidupkan mesin-mesin besar selama sekitar 100 jam.
and then I just cranked away at all the big machines for about 100 hours.
membacakan saya beberapa ribu jam ke dalam rekaman.
read me many thousands of hours onto tape.
dan menghabiskan setengah jam
and spent a good half an hour
Dia masih melakukan perjalanan selama 2 jam ke sekolahnya
She still made the two-hour trek to the schoolhouse
dalam hitungan jam.
determine a whole human genome.
dalam 24 jam setelah kematian.
within 24 hours of time of death.
Dan saya dapat banyak, sekitar 30 dalam setengah jam.
And I got a lot, like 30 in a half an hour.
nyaris 24 jam sehari
nearly around the clock,
hanya dengan 20 jam terbang.
in as little as 20 hours of flight time.
sejak jam 5 pagi
starting at 5 in the morning
sampai 16 jam sehari.
for up to 16 hours a day.
dan tidak dapat menyala selama 6 jam.
and failing to start for six hours.
bekerja 6 hari, jam kerja ganda.
working six days, double shifts.
saya membacanya dari tengah malam hingga jam 5 pagi sekaligus.
I read it from midnight to five in the morning in one shot.
Seluruh proses ini memerlukan waktu 2 jam.
And that process takes about two hours.
Kami ingin melakukan dalam beberapa jam saja
We're proposing to do it in just a few hours,
selama berjam-jam,
hours for hours,
selama berjam-jam, memberi air dan memukul.
for hours, giving water and beating.
Mereka mulai memolesnya dengan batu selama berjam-jam.
They start polishing it with a stone for hours.
Inilah Harold Lloyd, bergelantungan di antara jarum-jarum jam --
Harold Lloyd here, hanging famously from the clock hands --
Saya mengemudi mobil lain dengan kecepatan yang sama, 60 mil per jam,
I drove the other one at 60 miles an hour, exactly the same speed,
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