Indonesian to English
jambu k.o. fruit, the rose-apple.
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  1. duwet
  2. gajus
  3. jamblang
jambu bijiguava
jambu-jambutuft, tassel
jambultuft, plume, crest, front wave

Related Word(s)

bamboo, cashew, guava, guavas, psidium, rosy


Dan dia tidak membelikan saya pakaian merah jambu.
and she didn't buy me pink outfits.
tidak perlu memakai warna merah jambu,
I didn't have to wear pink,
dan saya harus memilih antara dua jenis warna merah jambu.
and I was trying to decide between two very light shades of pink.
"Itu jenis merah jambu yang sangat anggun."
"Well, it's a very elegant shade of pink."
"Itu jenis merah jambu yang glamor."
"It's a glamorous shade of pink."
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