jarum suntik | hypodermic needle |
jarum suntik | |||
injection, injectors, needle, needles, syringe, syringes |
ContohAnda memerlukan jarum suntik. you've go to the needle.
tidak sebagus kapsul, dan tidak sebagus jarum suntik. is not as good as the capsule is not as good as the needle.
dan aku bisa melihat jarum suntik menujuku, and I can see the needle coming down towards me,
"Iya. Dengan berbagi jarum suntik." "Oh yeah, by sharing needles."
Maksud saya, hampir 100 persen. Dengan berbagi jarum suntik. I mean, nearly 100 percent. Yeah, by sharing needles.
Dan, "Anda tahu dimana anda dapat mendapatkan jarum suntik bersih And, "Do you know where you can get a clean needle
"Kita pecandu; kita tahu dimana mendapatkan jarum suntik bersih." "We're smackheads; we know where to get clean needles."
"Jadi kamu saat ini membawa sebuah jarum suntik?" "So are you carrying a needle?"
"Apakah kamu membawa jarum suntik bersih?" "Are you carrying clean needles?"
Anda tidak mau berbagi jarum suntik lebih dari yang anda mau You don't want to share a needle anymore than you want
Tidak. Kita berbagi jarum suntik karena kita tidak mau dipenjara." "No, no. We share needles because we don't want to go to jail."
apabila anda membawa jarum suntik, dan polisi menangkap anda, if you were carrying a needle and the cops rounded you up,
Saya menggunakan jarum suntik milik saya sendiri sekarang, I use my own needle now,
atau saya bisa berbagi jarum suntik or I could share a needle now
atau saya bisa menggunakan jarum suntik pribadi or I could use my own needle now
bila berbagi jarum suntik. to share needles.
Anda mau orang-orang menggunakan jarum suntik bersih, You want people to use clean needles --
dan pecandu mau menggunakan jarum suntik bersih. and junkies want to use clean needles.
semudah membuat jarum suntik yang bersih tersedia bebas simply by making clean needles universally available
program penukaran jarum suntik nasional national needle exchange program,
yang terjangkit HIV, dari jarum suntik. ever became infected with HIV.
satu dari dua pengguna jarum suntik one in two injectors
program jarum suntik efektif, terlihat cukup banyak. needle programs are effective -- quite a lot of them.
Dan inilah yang menunjukkan program jarum suntik tidak efektif -- Now, the ones that show that needle programs aren't effective --
sebelum mereka memulai program pertukaran jarum suntik nasional. before they started the national needle exchange program.
seorang pecandu untuk berbagi jarum suntik a drug injector to share needles
dengan jarum suntik. (Tawa). with needles. (Laughter) Like, years,
bahwa suatu hari jarum suntik akan menjadi that one day syringes would be
Penggunaan ulang jarum suntik telah melebihi angka itu The reuse of syringes now exceeds that
menjadi HIV positif karena penggunaan ulang jarum suntik. were HIV positive from a syringe.
Diberikan hanya dengan 2 jarum suntik, di rumah sakit umum di India. which are being delivered with only 2 syringes in a public hospital in India.
Mereka pergi berkeliling, mengumpulkan jarum suntik And that job is that they go around and pick up syringes
daripada harga jarum suntik steril. Hal yang cukup aneh. than a sterile syringe in the first place, which is quite bizarre.
memungut sebuah jarum suntik, dan kemudian jarinya tertusuk - picked up a syringe and pricked his finger --
menjual jarum suntik, biasanya had syringes, which they usually do,
Jadi, ini seperti jarum suntik biasa. So, it's a normal-looking syringe.
Dan harganya sama dengan jarum suntik biasa. And it costs the same as a normal syringe.
Dan ini akan mencegah penggunaan ulang jarum suntik 20 atau 30 kali. And that will stop reusing a syringe 20 or 30 times.
Saya berikan satu, jarum suntik. I'll give you one, a syringe.